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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-07-17 21:10:57浏览:16分类:文字大全


问题一:眼泪的英文是什么? 一般都用复数 即teers

[常用复]眼泪, 泪珠

滴, 露珠, 水珠, 玻璃珠, 树脂珠; [美俚]珍珠


tears of joy


The sad story moved us to tears.

这个悲惨的故事使我们感动得流泪 。

Tears rolled down her cheeks.



be dissolved in [into] tears 泪流满面[情不自禁]地哭起来

bitter tears 伤心[辛酸]泪

blink away [back] (the) tears 眨着眼睛忍住眼泪

break forth [burst] into tears 突然大哭起来, 放声大哭

crocodile tears “鳄鱼的眼泪”; 伪善的眼泪, 假哭

dash away a tear [one's tears] 抹去眼泪

draw tears 催人泪下

in tears 含泪; 流着泪, 在哭泣

laugh away one's tears 笑着把眼泪掩饰过去

melt into tears 感动得哭起来

mingle tears 共泣, 对泣

move *** . to tears 使某人感动得流泪

reduce to tears 使伤心得流泪

scalding tears 热泪

shed a tear [谑]小便 [废]喝一杯酒

shed tears 流泪

*** ile through one's tears 含泪微笑

squeeze out a tear 勉强挤出一滴眼泪

water sth.with one's tears [废]用眼泪来鼎某物

with tears 哭着, 含泪

Tears of Eos 晨露

tears of (strong)wine 酒泪

问题二:"眼泪"的英文怎么写 tear [tiE] n. 破处,破缝,泪滴,眼泪,扯,飞奔,激怒 vi. 流泪,撕破,猛冲,飞奔,被撕破 vt. 扯,撕,撕破,戳破,拉掉,折磨,使分裂,撕掉 tear tear2 AHD:[tr] D.J.[ti*] K.K.[t!r] n.(名词) Adropoftheclearsaltyliquidthatissecretedbythelachrymalglandoftheeyetolubricatethesurfacebetweentheeyeballandeyelidandtowashawayirritants. 眼泪:为润滑眼球和眼睑之间的接触面并洗去 *** 物而由眼的泪腺分泌的一滴透明的咸的液体 tearsAprofusionofthisliquidspillingfromtheeyesandwettingthecheeks,especiallyasanexpressionofemotion. tears流泪:从眼中溢出并湿润面颊的大量的眼泪,尤指感情的一种表达方式 tearsTheactofweeping: tears哭泣:哭泣的动作: critici *** thatleftmeintears. 使我哭泣的批评 Adropofaliquidorhardenedfluid. 泪滴状物:一滴液体或变硬的液体 v.intr.(不及物动词) teared,tear.ing,tears Tofillwithtears. 充满泪水 tear tear1 AHD:[tr] D.J.[tW*r] K.K.[tWr] v.(动词) tore[tr,tr]torn[trn,trn]tear.ing,tears v.tr.(及物动词) Topullapartorintopiece *** yforce;rend. 撕裂:用力扯开或扯成碎片;撕裂 Tomake(anopening)byripping: 撕破:通过撕造成(一个缺口): toreaholeinmystocking. 在我的长袜上撕破一个洞 Tolacerate(theskin,forexample). 划伤:划破(例如皮肤) Toseparateforcefully;wrench: 夺走:用力地分开;夺取: torethewrappingsoffthepresent. 把包装纸从礼物上撕下来 Todivideordisrupt: 使分裂:使分裂或瓦解: wastornbetweenopposingchoices;acountrythatwastornbystrife. 在相反的选择之间,不知如何是好;因为冲突而分裂的国家 v.intr.(不及物动词) Tobeetorn. 被撕裂 Tomovewithheedlessspeed;rushheadlong. 狂奔:以不留心的速度移动;猛地往前冲 n.(名词) Theactoftearing. 撕:撕的动作 Theresultoftearing;ariporrent. 裂缝:撕的结果;裂口或裂缝 Agreatrush;ahurry. 狂奔;疾驰 SlangAcarousal;aspree. 俚语狂欢宴会;宴会 teararound非正式用语 Tomoveaboutinexcited,oftenangryhaste. 四处狂跑:兴奋地,经常是愤怒地匆忙地走来走去 Toleadawildlife. 生活放荡 tearat Topullatorattackviolently: 撕扯:猛裂地撕扯或进攻: Thedogtoreatthemeat. 狗撕扯......>>

问题三:流泪英文怎么写 burst into tears

tears running down one's face


问题四:泪的英文怎么写 tear(s)

问题五:默默的流眼泪英文怎N翻译 默默的流眼泪

weep silently

问题六:上帝的眼泪英文怎么写啊? God's tear~~

问题七:含着眼泪英文怎么写 She run out with tears. She ran out with full of tears in her eyes.

问题八:一个人的眼泪英文怎么写 one's solo tear

问题九:父母的眼泪用英语来怎么写 father's tears

问题十:眼泪的英文是什么? 一般都用复数 即teers

[常用复]眼泪, 泪珠

滴, 露珠, 水珠, 玻璃珠, 树脂珠; [美俚]珍珠


tears of joy


The sad story moved us to tears.

这个悲惨的故事使我们感动得流泪 。

Tears rolled down her cheeks.



be dissolved in [into] tears 泪流满面[情不自禁]地哭起来

bitter tears 伤心[辛酸]泪

blink away [back] (the) tears 眨着眼睛忍住眼泪

break forth [burst] into tears 突然大哭起来, 放声大哭

crocodile tears “鳄鱼的眼泪”; 伪善的眼泪, 假哭

dash away a tear [one's tears] 抹去眼泪

draw tears 催人泪下

in tears 含泪; 流着泪, 在哭泣

laugh away one's tears 笑着把眼泪掩饰过去

melt into tears 感动得哭起来

mingle tears 共泣, 对泣

move *** . to tears 使某人感动得流泪

reduce to tears 使伤心得流泪

scalding tears 热泪

shed a tear [谑]小便 [废]喝一杯酒

shed tears 流泪

*** ile through one's tears 含泪微笑

squeeze out a tear 勉强挤出一滴眼泪

water sth.with one's tears [废]用眼泪来鼎某物

with tears 哭着, 含泪

Tears of Eos 晨露

tears of (strong)wine 酒泪

cry [kra?]

[词典释义]vi. 1. 哭 2. 叫喊;呼叫[(+out)][(+for)] 3. (鸟、兽)叫

vt. 1. 哭出 2. 大声地说;叫喊[(+out)] 3. 叫卖;高声传报

n. 1. 叫喊;呼叫[(+of/for)] 2. (一阵)哭 3. (鸟、兽的)叫声 4. 要求,呼吁;口...

[网络释义]cry 1.她居然感动轻轻 2.哭(泣),流泪;叫,喊 3.哭,喊,未必有泪。

鹏仔 微信 15129739599

百科狗 baikegou.com

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