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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-07-05 18:26:57浏览:17分类:旅游攻略








I love Shenzhen! My home is in Shenzhen, Shenzhen is a beautiful city!

Shenzhen There are a lot of fun places, for example, Happy Valley, a place where there is a stimulus, as well as the coastal city of Toy park, Ocean Park in Shenzhen, Shenzhen OCT East, Green World, children's playground, size Meisha ...... also there are many I do not know the place, although I have not been there, but just look at the names on that very interesting, I feel like they have entered a world of fun like that! Because Shenzhen relying on the beach, so there are a lot of beaches, those beaches have their own characteristics, very fun.

Shenzhen there are many food and delicacies, there are very many of my favorite, for example, all children love to eat Pizza Hut, McDonald's, KFC, and some can be used for our morning tea, something very good place: Kingdee Villa, fragrant garden, there is a new Taoyuan we all know, these places I have been, I am very favorite. In particular Kingdee Hin, where my favorite sweet thin meal, which is mango, you must not eat, right? New Taoyuan pudding good to eat, there are mango, there are even a cherry, decoration is very beautiful, also very good to eat. Fragrant garden things are pretty good, and every kind I liked to eat.

Some district of Shenzhen is also very nice, say, Dingtaifenghua, I lived there, and that law and order inside the well, the air is fresh, there are many lush shade trees to people. There is also a great platform for the evening, there will be put to music, a lot of people out there dancing. Above, sometimes hanging lanterns or lanterns at night when very beautiful. There are swimming pools, swimming pool in the summer, when there are a lot of people out there swimming pool has a deep pool and wading pool, height is not the same person to use. But deep pool of Collage very shallow, you can go on. People go there to swim each evening will be very happy.

But in Shenzhen there are many fly in the ointment, for example, too much junk in Shenzhen, and Shenzhen seat to the elderly people who do not, pollution is very serious in Shenzhen, always roads, brings a lot of inconvenience. These belong to the fly in the ointment, hope Shenzhen can get rid of these fly in the ointment, let fly in the ointment evolve into perfect!

I love Shenzhen! I will always love beautiful Shenzhen! Shenzhen hope to continue to develop, develop into a more beautiful city, to give us a lot of convenience of the city!

鹏仔 微信 15129739599

百科狗 baikegou.com

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