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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-07-19 16:49:28浏览:17分类:文字大全


Samoye 希望对你有所帮助

Samoyed Breed Standard

General Conformation

(a) General Appearance - The Samoyed, being essentially a working dog, should present a picture of beauty, alertness and strength, with agility, dignity and grace. As his work lies in cold climates, his coat should be heavy and weather-resistant, well groomed, and of good quality rather then quantity. The male carries more of a "ruff" than the female. He should not be long in the back as a weak back would make him practically useless for his legitimate work, but at the same time, a close-coupled body would also place him at a great disadvantage as a draft dog. Breeders should aim for the happy medium, a body not long but muscular, allowing liberty, with a deep chest and well-sprung ribs, strong neck, straight front and especially strong loins. Males should be masculine in appearance and deportment without unwarranted aggressiveness; bitches feminine without weakness of structure or apparent softness of temperament. Bitches may be slightly longer in back than males. They should both give the appearance of being capable of great endurance but be free from coarseness. Because of the depth of chest required, the legs should be moderately long. A very short-legged dog is to be deprecated. Hindquarters should be particularly well developed, stifles well bent and any suggestion of unsound stifles or cowhocks severely penalized. General appearance should include movement and general conformation, indicating balance and good substance.

(b) Substance - Substance is that sufficiency of bone and muscle which rounds out a balance with the frame. The bone is heavier than would be expected in a dog of this size but not so massive as to prevent the speed and agility most desirable in a Samoyed. In all builds, bone should be in proportion to body size. The Samoyed should never be so heavy as to appear clumsy nor so light as to appear racy. The weight should be in proportion to the height.

(c) Height - Males--21 to 23? inches; females--19 to 21 inches at the withers. An oversized or undersized Samoyed is to be penalized according to the extent of the deviation.

(d) Coat (Texture and Condition) - The Samoyed is a doublecoated dog. The body should be well covered with an undercoat of soft, short, thick, close wool with longer and harsh hair growing through it to form the outer coat, which stands straight out from the body and should be free from curl. The coat should form a ruff around the neck and shoulders, framing the head (more on males than on females). Quality of coat should be weather resistant and considered more than quantity. A droopy coat is undesirable. The coat should glisten with a silver sheen. The female does not usually carry as long a coat as most males and it is softer in texture.

(e) Color - Samoyeds should be pure white, white and biscuit, cream, or all biscuit. Any other colors disqualify.


(a) Gait - The Samoyed should trot, not pace. He should move with a quick agile stride that is well timed. The gait should be free, balanced and vigorous, with good reach in the forequarters and good driving power in the hindquarters. When trotting, there should be a strong rear action drive. Moving at a slow walk or trot, they will not single-track, but as speed increases the legs gradually angle inward until the pads are finally falling on a line directly under the longitudinal center of the body. As the pad marks converge the forelegs and hind legs are carried straight forward in traveling, the stifles not turned in nor out. The back should remain strong, firm and level. A choppy or stilted gait should be penalized.

(b) Rear End - Upper thighs should be well developed. Stifles well bent-approximately 45 degrees to the ground. Hocks should be well developed, sharply defined and set at approximately 30 percent of hip height. The hind legs should be parallel when viewed from the rear in a natural stance, strong, well developed, turning neither in nor out. Straight stifles are objectionable. Double-jointedness or cowhocks are a fault. Cowhocks should only be determined if the dog has had an opportunity to move properly.

(c) Front End - Legs should be parallel and straight to the pasterns. The pasterns should be strong, sturdy and straight, but flexible with some spring for proper let-down of feet. Because of depth of chest, legs should be moderately long. Length of leg from the ground to the elbow should be approximately 55 per cent of the total height at the withers-a very short-legged dog is to be deprecated. Shoulders should be long and sloping, with a layback of 45 degrees and be firmly set. Out at the shoulders or out at the elbows should be penalized. The withers separation should be approximately 1-1? inches.

(d) Feet - Large, long, flattish-a hare-foot, slightly spread but not splayed; toes arched; pads thick and tough, with protective growth of hair between the toes. Feet should turn neither in nor out in a natural stance but may turn in slightly in the act of pulling. Turning out, pigeon-toed, round or cat-footed or splayed are faults. Feathers on feet are not too essential but are more profuse on females than on males


(a) Conformation - Skull is wedge-shaped, broad, slightly crowned, not round or apple-headed, and should form an equilateral triangle on lines between the inner base of the ears and the central point of the stop. Muzzle--Muzzle of medium length and medium width, neither coarse nor snipy; should taper toward the nose and be in proportion to the size of the dog and the width of skull. The muzzle must have depth. Whiskers are not to be removed. Stop--Not too abrupt, nevertheless well defined. Lips--Should be black for preference and slightly curved up at the corners of the mouth, giving the "Samoyed smile." Lip lines should not have the appearance of being coarse nor should the flews drop predominately at corners of the mouth. Ears--Strong and thick, erect, triangular and slightly rounded at the tips; should not be large or pointed, nor should they be small and "bear-eared." Ears should conform to head size and the size of the dog; they should be set well apart but be within the border of the outer edge of the head; they should be mobile and well covered inside with hair; hair full and stand-off before the ears. Length of ear should be the same measurement as the distance from inner base of ear to outer corner of eye. Eyes--Should be dark for preference; should be placed well apart and deep-set; almond shaped with lower lid slanting toward an imaginary point approximately the base of ears. Dark eye rims for preference. Round or protruding eyes penalized. Blue eyes disqualifying. Nose--Black for preference but brown, liver, or Dudley nose not penalized. Color of nose sometimes changes with age and weather. Jaws and Teeth--Strong, well-set teeth, snugly overlapping with scissors bite. Undershot or overshot should be penalized.

(b) Expression - The expression, referred to as "Samoyed expression," is very important and is indicated by sparkle of the eyes, animation and lighting up of the face when alert or intent on anything. Expression is made up of a combination of eyes, ears and mouth. The ears should be erect when alert; the mouth should be slightly curved up at the corners to form the "Samoyed smile."


(a) Neck - Strong, well muscled, carried proudly erect, set on sloping shoulders to carry head with dignity when at attention. Neck should blend into shoulders with a graceful arch.

(b) Chest - Should be deep, with ribs well sprung out from the spine and flattened at the sides to allow proper movement of the shoulders and freedom for the front legs. Should not be barrel-chested. Perfect depth of chest approximates the point of elbows, and the deepest part of the chest should be back of the forelegs-near the ninth rib. Heart and lung room are secured more by body depth than width.

(c) Loin and Back - The withers forms the highest part of the back. Loins strong and slightly arched. The back should be straight to the loin, medium in length, very muscular and neither long nor short-coupled. The dog should be "just off square"--the length being approximately 5 per cent more than the height. Females allowed to be slightly longer than males. The belly should be well shaped and tightly muscled and, with the rear of the thorax, should swing up in a pleasing curve (tuck-up). Croup must be full, slightly sloping, and must continue imperceptibly to the tail root.

Tail - The tail should be moderately long with the tail bone terminating approximately at the hock when down. It should be profusely covered with long hair and carried forward over the back or side when alert, but sometimes dropped when at rest. It should not be high or low set and should be mobile and loose -- not tight over the back. A double hook is a fault. A judge should see the tail over the back once when judging.

Disposition - Intelligent, gentle, loyal, adaptable, alert, full of action, eager to serve, friendly but conservative, not distrustful or shy, not overly aggressive. Unprovoked aggressiveness is to be severely penalized.


Any color other than pure white, cream, biscuit, or white and biscuit.

Blue eyes.

Approved August 10, 1993

Effective September 29, 1993

为什么打开PADS Layout 会弹出只能只读的对话框?求解答和解决方法~

PROTEL99 和PADS 不在一个档次。没有可比性。 PROTEL99现在已经不再更新了。新版名字改成AD 了。可以看一下下面这个内容。应该就大概了解了

深度讨论到底应该学哪个PCB设计软件? 三大PCB设计软件分析讨论

今天讨论一个很多初学者都关注的一个问题。 目前PCB设计软件这么多,到底应该学哪个PCB设计软件?

目前主流的就 三大PCB设计软件,目前不主流的就不提了。

1、Altium Designer 下简称AD 。可以说是 PROTEL 的升级版。


3、Cadence allegro

Protel99 就不要提了。那已经是古董了。没法画复杂的板子。

除了这3个软件以外,还有很多软件,如Cadstar ,CR5000,PCAD,Mentor EE,Mentor WG,Mentor en ,PADS专业版 等大把软件,而且这些软件有的功能也非常强悍,比上面说的3大软件功能强大的都有。但是市场占有率不高,这里就不说了。目前市场占有率不高,目前你学他意义不大,对一个初学者,学了估计也难找工作。没什么公司用。



AD(包括PROTEL99) 这个软件的市场定位是一些简单的板子,比如单片机类,简单的工业类,一些相对简单的板子,用这个软件比较多。相对是偏低端产品设计。大部分都是简单的板子。大部分用这个软件的公司产品都是相对偏简单的。一般都是 2层 4层为主。在中国市场上,内地城市使用的比较多,发达城市比较少用。基本上可以说在发达城市,这个使用这个软件,找工作都不好找。但是这个软件,在内地城市使用的占有率很高。这个软件在内地城市为什么这么高,我个人认为主要是因为这个软件在学校里面的推广做得比较好,因为每个读电子或者机电相关专业的学生在学校里面就有教这个,或者有要求去学这个。所以目前还在用这个软件的工程师,我可以肯定的是超过 80%是因为在学校里面用的,出社会后就继续用了。所以可以说这个软件如果没有中国大学生这一部分的市场,这个软件应该在中国市场上估计就非常少见了。


PADS的前身是 POWER PCB ,这个软件界面菜单很少,上手不难。我估计也是这一点能得到了市场的认可。特别是消费类电子产品市场占有率非常高,早期都可以说在消费类产品里面差不多是垄断的地位,比如从早期的 VCD,DVD,MP3 ,MP4,U盘,液晶电视,到现在的平板电脑,行车记录仪,车载电子产品,导航仪,数字机顶盒,安卓智能电视盒、手机等都是绝对的市场占有率。特别是手机PCB设计,PADS软件几乎占了垄断的优势。 在整个消费类电子产品里面,几乎PADS都占了大头。特别是前几年的市场占有率更是绝对的高。这几年因为allegro 这个软件慢慢的起来了。PADS占有率感觉有所下降的趋势。 但是目前在沿海发达城市里面,PADS还是占主流市场,特别是深圳大部分公司还是用PADS ,其次是allegro 。PADS找工作在深圳很容易。


Cadence allegro 这个软件的优势是功能强大,缺点是不好学,不容易上手。所以这个软件 在10年前或者说7 8年前,市场占有率都还比较低,一般只有大公司用,特别是做电脑主板的公司用,因为这个软件功能强大,画大型板子有优势。如电脑主板,大型工控板,服务器主板,等大型板子,他的效率和优势非常明显。所以他的市场目前主要还是在电脑主板,大型工控板,服务器主板,等这些大型板子上,以及现在一些平板电脑,手机板也会有少量公司用。和大公司在用。长远角度来讲allegro市场前景比较大。

学习软件结论:想要画简单的板子,就学AD 。想要画消费类电子产品就学PADS 。想要画大型板子就学allegro 。 如果学PADS 和allegro 以后你基本上也都是在沿海等发达城市工作,内地城市没这么好找工作。 如果学AD ,主要就是内地工作,沿海城市用的不多。。。 当然这个是相对比例而已,就好比深圳用PADS非常多,但是也还是有公司用AD ,只是说非常少而已。

另外比如你想要学AD 就不要想着去画消费类产品,比如你学AD去画 行车记录仪,有P用了,用AD软件想去找个画行车记录仪的工作,根本就找不到,根本就没有做行车记录仪的公司用AD这个软件画板,谁要你。做平板电脑,做液晶电视,做手机,等这些产品也是如此,学AD 想要画这种产品,你非常难找工作或者说根本就找不到这类的工作。这类也许会有人反驳,我现在就是用AD 画平板啊,现在用AD画平板也没错,或者用AD 画手机也没错,但是你去看看整个市场上用的有多少? 但是不管怎么少人用,应该也还是有个别公司再用,用的公司不多,对一个刚学的新手来说,更是难找工作。

工资方面,用不同的软件,画不同的板子,工资差很远的都有。比如现在有一些内地城市画板,3K多的都有。 有一些地方拿 2W多的也有,这个具体还是要看你画什么板来定。 板子差不多的话,个人感觉用ALLEGRO 的工资稍微比PADS的高一点点,这是我个人根据身边很多朋友的收入来看觉得的。个人看法。

学习主要还是为了工作,所以学习就应该学到合适的东西,比如学AD 也就应该学画一些简单的板子和工业类相对简单的板子就差不多了,再复杂的板子,也少公司用AD 。 学PADS ,你想要学画电脑主板,或者大型工控主板,也也没什么P用,学了也找不到工作。基本没有公司用PADS画电脑主板。 学allegro 你想要画液晶电视或者行车记录仪,那也没什么P用,用allegro 想找个画液晶电视,行车记录仪的工作也是找不到,根本没公司用。。


就业,这是每一个想要进入这个行业都关注的问题,也就是说我学这个PCB设计软件后。能不能找到工作,如果不能找到工作那就是白学了。这些软件目前在中国城市分工,感觉还是有区域划分,比如大部分内地城市都是AD (PROTEL)占有率比较高,

1、如果你想要在内地城市工作,画一些简单的 2层,4层板,那我建议你学AD 软件,内地城市用这个软件找工作比较容易,但是由于用这个软件的公司板子一般都是比较简单的,所以工资一般不高。

2、如果你想要在沿海城市,特别是想要在深圳工作,想要画这种消费类产品的话,建议学PADS ,这个软件容易上手,而且深圳找工作非常容易。用的公司很多。

3、如果你想画大型产品板子,建议学allegro 。这软件目前市场占有率挺高,特别是在大型板子里面占有绝对的优势。

学习PCB设计,大部分人都是为了工作,学完后,能找到一份好工作,这是每个人的期望。所以想要学哪个设计软件,要自己定位好,因为这个有好几个影响的因素,比如你以后想在哪个城市工作, 主要想设计什么产品。





有一些公司招聘信息会这么写,要求精通PADS9.5 ,熟练allegro ,PROTEL 等设计软件。 看到这种信息其实马上就能知道这个公司主要用哪个设计软件,按照人的心理学来讲,一般都是写在第一个的就是常用的。 或者要求精通的那个就是他们主要使用的。所以你找100个招聘信息下来,统计一下。就能知道你所在的城市 主要用哪个软件了。这个软件占的份额大概有多少也就知道了。






鹏仔 微信 15129739599

百科狗 baikegou.com

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