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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-07-19 22:01:34浏览:9分类:文字大全


well 英[wel] 美[w?l]

adv. 好;很;好意地;高高兴兴地

adj. 健康的;井的;良好的;恰当的

int. (用于表示惊讶,疑虑,接受等)


1.The restaurant did very well.


2.This method is well established.


3.This rarely bodes well for the next generation.


4.The footpath down to the well is healed.


5.Well it's great to see you here.




1 (取水或油等之)井

an oil ~ 油井

sink [bore] a ~ 凿井

2 (感情,知识等的)泉源

a ~ of information 知识的泉源

3 井状的洞

a. (楼梯的)井孔

(→ stairwell.)

b. (电梯的)井道

4 ((英))(法庭的)律师席

1 [从…]涌出,喷出[from,out of]

Blood was ~ing (out) from the cut 血从伤口迸出

2 a. 涌出,涌上来

Tears ~ed up in her eyes 泪水涌上她的眼眶

b. 溢出贩贩@

well [w?l;wel] [E-E] [GOOGLE]


1 令人满意地,良好地,圆满地

(( ←→ ill,badly))

dine [sleep, work] ~ 吃得[睡得,工作得]好

He dresses ~ 他穿得很好

She carries herself ~ 她举止大方

Things are going ~ 事情进行顺利

2 (能力方面)良好地,高明地

speak French ~ 法语说得很好

W~ done ! 做得好 ! 干得好 !

W~ played ! ( 运动等)打得好,表演得好

3 (无比较级、最高级)


Shake ~ before using 使用前充分摇匀

I don't know her very ~ 我不十分了解她((我认识她不深))

4 a. (无比较级、最高级)相当地,颇

He was ~ over fifty [~ into his fifties, ~ on in his fifties] 他五十好几了((将近六十岁))

His assets amounted to ~ over $1 billion 他的财产远远超过十亿美元

~ up in ... → up adv. 7e.

b. 相当地,充分地,十分地

((cf. better adv. 2b))

He is ~ able to lead the people 他相当有能力***民

I was ~ aware of the danger 我充分意识到那种危险

This car is ~ worth the price 这部车子是相当值这个价钱的

The plan is now ~ advanced 那计画现在有相当的进展

5 适切地,适当地;正好,恰好

That is ~ said 说得好;正是如此

W~ met ! ((古))恰好相遇 !

6 富裕地,安逸地

live ~ 过得很富裕

He's doing rather ~ for himself 他过著相当安逸的生活

7 a. 好意地,善意地;亲切地,殷 地

Everyone speaks [thinks] ~ of her 每个人都称赞她[认为她好]

(→ SPEAK well for)

They all treated me ~ 他们都待我很好

b. 爽快地,高兴地;平静地

He took the news ~ 他平静地接受那消息

as well

⑴ 也,又

He speaks Russian as ~ 他也能说俄语

⑵ 同样地[一样地]好

He can speak Russian as ~ 他说俄语也(与...)一样好

as well as...

⑴ 与...一样好


He has experience as ~ as knowledge 他不但有知识而且有经验

cannot[could not]well do...


I can't [couldn't] very ~ refuse 我实在难以拒绝

come off well


could just as well do...


You could just as ~ have apologized then and there 你当时当场道歉就好了((实际上未道歉))

do oneself well


do well

⑴ 很顺利,成功

⑵ 康复,渐渐好起来

⑶ 礼遇[某人][by]

He's always done ~ by me 他总是待我很好

do well out of...


He did ~ out of the sale of his car 他卖出自己的车子从中获利

do well to do...


You would do ~ to say nothing about it 关於那件事你什麽也不要说较好

You would do ~ to stay in school 你还是留在学校的好

just as well


"I'm sorry, I don't have a pen." "A pencil will do just as ~." [对不起,我没有带钢笔][(用)铅笔也可以]

may[might](just)as well do(as...)


You may (just) as ~ go at once 你还是立刻去的好

You may just as ~ confess. ( 因证据确凿)你还是招认的好

One may as ~ be hanged for a sheep as a lamb → sheep 1

You might as ~ throw money away as spend it in gambling 与其花钱赌博还不如把钱丢掉

You might just as ~ talk to your son 你还是与你儿子谈一谈的好

We might just as ~ have stayed at home 我们倒不如一直留在家里的好

You might just as ~ have confessed. ( 那样申辩)你等於招认了

You might just as ~ have hit him in the face. ( 看你对他的无礼)你等於打了他一耳光一样

may well do

⑴ 有理由 做...,难怪...,大可...

He may ~ think so 难怪他这样想

You may ~ wonder ! 难怪你会觉得奇怪((谁都会觉得奇怪))

⑵ 也许...,很可能...

It may well be true 那也许是真的

"Do you think he'll win ?"-"He may ~." [你想他会赢吗 ?][也许会]

pretty well

⑴ 几乎(almost)

The work is pretty ~ finished 那工作几乎完成了


"How's she doing ?" "Oh, (she's doing) pretty ~." [她情形如何? ][哦,相当顺利[好]]

speak well of...→ speak

think well of...→ think

well and truly((英口语))完全地,全然

I was ~ and truly exhausted 我筋疲力竭了

well away


⑴ 在进行著,有进展

We're ~ away 我们进行得很顺利


well off→ well-off

well out of...

⑴ 远离

Stand ~ out of the way 站远一点((以免碍事))


You're ~ out of the trouble 你幸好未卷入那麻烦事

I wish I was ~ out of this job 但愿我能从这件工作中脱身出来


1 a. 健康的,安好的

feel [look] ~ 觉得[看起来]身体好

Are you ~ ? 你(身体[健康]状况)好吗 ?

"How are you ?"-"Quite [Very] ~, thank you." [你好吗 ?][很好,谢谢](cf. adj. 2b)

b. (无比较级、最高级)((美))健康的

He is not a ~ man 他不是一个健康的人

2 (无比较级、最高级)

a. 令人满意的,正好的(right)

Things are ~ enough 情势相当好

All's ~ (that ends ~). ( 结局好)一切都好

b. [常 Very ~;表示同意,承诺]好,可以

((cf. adj. 1a))

Very ~, you may go now 好,你现在可以走了

3 (无比较级、最高级)

a. 适当的,适宜的

It would be ~ to start at once 立刻出发为宜

b. ((罕))方便的;幸亏,幸好

It was ~ that you met him there 幸好你在那里遇到他

(all)well and good


That's all ~ and good, but I don't have the money 那也好,但是我没有那笔钱

It's all very well


It's all very ~ (for you) to suggest a holiday in Hawaii, but how am I to find the money ? 你提议在夏威夷度假的确很好,可是我如何去筹那笔钱呢 ?

just as well

⑴ 运气很好,正好

It's just as ~ I met you 我碰到你正好

⑵ 反而好

It was just as ~ you didn't marry her 你没跟她结婚反而好

"I didn't see the TV program." "Just as ~; it wasn't very good." [我没看那个电视节目][那反而好;那节目不太好]

(just)as well...


It would be as ~ to explain 最好说明一下

It would be just as ~ for you to write [if you wrote] to him 你最好写信给他

let[leave]well(enough)alone→ alone

1 a. 哎呀!啊!怎麽

W~, I never ! = W~, to be sure ! = W~ now ! 哎呀!真奇怪!怎麽会 !

W~, I'm not sure 唔,我不清楚;我没把握

b. 好啦,算了,好吧;有道理

W~, here we are at last 好啦,我们终於到达了

Oh ~, I can't complain ! 好吧,我不能埋怨了

W~, you can't help it 算了,这是没办法的事

W~, but what about the money ? 有道理,但是钱(的事)怎麽办 ?

2 那麽;对了

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