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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-07-23 14:17:26浏览:7分类:星座大全


Height: 5' 2(约158厘米)


Full Name: Christina Maria Aguilera

Nicknames: Chrissy, X-tina, Lady C and Christi

Date of Birth: December 18, 1980

Place of Birth: Staten Island, New York

Hometown: Wexford, Pennsylvania

Sign: Sagittarius

Status: Engaged

Cars: Cadillac Escalade SUV ($60,000) and a Range Rover ($70,000)

Current Residence: Beverly Hills, California

Parents: Fausto Aguilera (father) & Shelly Kearns (mother), Jim Kearns (stepfather)

Siblings: Rachel 'Ro', Michael, Stephanie, Casey

Nationality: Irish, German (Mothers side) and Ecuadorian (Fathers side)

Height: 5' 2

Pets: five dogs 1)Fozie, 2)Chewy, 3)Stinky and two others that are unknown

Shoe Size: 5 in girls

Natural Hair Color: Blonde

Current Hair Color: brown w/ blonde highlights

Eye Color: Blue


+Rochester Area Elementary School in Rochester, PA.

+Marshall Middle School in Wexford, PA.

+North Allegheny High School in Wexford, a suburb of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania until the 9th grade.


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Accessories: Bracelets, Gucchi shoes

Products: Gigi Bedhead shampoo and conditioner

Food: McDonald's Chicken Mcnuggets, chilli cheese fries, Quizno's subs

Collects: handbags and she loves Hello Kitty stuff

Vacation Spot: Jamaica

Make-up: M.A.C

Color: Purple, Blue (changes at times),red

Sports: baseball & soccer

Subjects: English & Science

Song: "At Last" by Etta James

Disney movie: Mulan, The Little Mermaid

Celebs: Johnny Depp, Julio & Enrique Iglesias

Musicians: Etta James, Madonna, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Eve6, Boyz II Men, Brian McKnight, No Doubt, Julie Andrews, Billie Holiday, B.B. King, Bjork

Movie: The Sound of Music

Car: Porsche

Music: R&B, Rock, Blues, has meaning, etc

〓 Even more facts for you to learn and know! 〓

▲ Christina's vocal range is four octaves.

▲ She's known for her powerful voice and her ability to sing acapella.

▲ Christina has been performing ever since she was 6 years old.

▲ Christina has sold nearly 45 million records worldwide.

▲ Christina is estimated to be worth over $60 million.

▲ Christina was the Best Female Artist of 2003.

▲ Christina was the most played female on radio in 2003.

▲ Ellen Degeneres and Christina Aguilera placed bid on the same house and Christina won closing the deal at 5.2 million.

▲ Christina sold out the Wembley Arena in London which holds 18,000 people,three nights in a row.

▲Christina's sold out shows in Australia sold out in no more than 2 hours.

▲Her video for "Dirrty" cost about $5 million dollars to make.

▲In the year 2003 she made an estimated $29.7 million dollars, in album sales, and endorsement campaigns.

▲For two seasons, Christina appeared on The New Mickey Mouse Club which furthered her desire to record an album before she graduated from high school.

▲Christina was in the Mickey Mouse Club in 1992.

▲The first time Christina ever took singing lessons is when she was hired to sing

§ Reflection §

◆ Christina co-wrote Kelly Clarkson's "Miss Independent".

◆ Christina is a night person.

◆ Christina is a huge fan of Marilyn Monroe.

◆ Christina actually wears blue contacts. When she first got contacts her eye doctor said they would be easier to find if she ever lost them.

◆ Christina went to her prom with two guys. Her friend Marcy set her up with a cute blind date and Christina also went with a friend.

◆ Christina is near sighted.

◆ Christina was the youngest person to perform the National Anthem at a major sports event - she was only eleven.

◆ Christina use to be on the Mickey Mouse Club with other known artists like Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, JC Chasez, etc.

◆ Christina has had 5 #1 singles.

◆ Christina use to be fluent in spanish when she was a little girl.

◆ Christina comes from Ecudorian and Irish decent.

◆ Christina has won 4 Grammys.

◆ Her self-titled debut album released in 1999 sold 8 million copies.

◆ Christina recorded her Spanish album Mi Reflejo in Miami.

◆ For her Stripped 2003 Tour, tickets to the Ireland show got sold out in only 20 minutes.

◆ The note that Christina had to hit in the song "Reflection" was high E above middle C, which she practiced on to a Whitney Houston song in the bathroom!

◆As a child Christina was often referred to as "The little girl with the big voice."

◆Christina is also afraid of the dark.


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