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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-07-24 10:04:30浏览:23分类:文字大全


问题一:你是一个笨蛋英语怎么说 You're an idiot.在告诉你个外国人会用的说法:Quit being an idiot, will ya? (别犯傻了行不?)

问题二:"笨蛋"英文怎么说 berk




问题三:你这笨蛋英文怎么说 yo骇 are so silly (不会伤到人)表示你太天真了也

you are such a idiot.

you are so stupid / foolish 你个大笨蛋.(有些伤人的意味尤其是 idiot 和 stupid)

问题四:英语你是笨蛋怎么说 你是笨蛋 :You are stupid,you are blockhead ;

你是小笨蛋 :You little fool,You are a *** all stupid,You are a little stupid ;

你是大笨蛋 :You are a big fool,You are a fool ;

问题五:你是笨蛋吗?用英语怎么讲 你是笨蛋吗?Are you a dummy?

问题六:笨蛋的英文是什么? 汉英词典



[bèn dàn]

(蠢人) fool;idiot;stupid fellow (骂人的话)

Google 网络词典



笨蛋 的网络定义:

fool; idiot; ass; slob; stupid; fellow

zh.wiktionary 更多定义



摘要 3 buck抗拒. You cant buck the system 你无法抗拒整个制度 4 blockhead笨蛋. Arnold


摘要 爱心捐赠宝贝. 卖家坐拥良机 收藏. 多普达S1精英版. 剩余13小时; 陕西西安; 0.00;


摘要 dolt n笨蛋傻瓜. doltish adj愚笨的. domain n领土领域. dome n圆屋顶. domesticate v


摘要 boob 笨蛋 boobery 愚人统称 booby prize 末名奖品 booby trap 诡雷 booby 呆子


摘要 Idiot *** 笨蛋. Embarrass使尴尬embrace拥抱. Damn it该死. Spray喷. Be suspended

问题七:你是笨蛋,用英文怎么说 翻译:You are a/an fool/idiot  满意请采纳,谢谢

问题八:你是笨蛋用英语怎么读 you are foolish

问题九:你是笨蛋各种语言翻译成中文 You are an idiot(英语)




Tu es idiot.(法语)

Sei un Idiota,(意大利语)









Often hear people say embarrassing taste very uncomfortable, I never thought that, can ever since experienced the pieces afterwards will be different, because I personally experience that can't speak the language that "embarrassing".

That, I go by car to read a book. When the bus is rush hour, to tell you the truth I really don't want to squeeze the crowded bus, if it weren't for the reading... Well, get in, please! I am very not easy to squeeze on the car, with people find a place. I pulled an armrest, difficult to stand there, just feel sick ready to choke.

Standing next to me was an old woman, she is carrying a parcel, the face rises very red, desperately out of the atmosphere. I think she is going to stand and would like to help her, but he could do nothing. Next to the old woman in, sit like a junior high school student, ear plug headphones, he chewed gum, the car is the scenery out of the window, as if the car all he didn't see the same, a deputy things none like yourself.

Suddenly the car to a stop, the big niang body fell in the junior high school student body. Junior high school students see next to his granny, look out of the window to move on from the big niang, screwed up eyebrows, sit body a little, and as if nothing has occurredly turned a window outside, still side with your feet on the ground. The big niang barely stand, and sighed.

The car as if dancing, open is not smooth, and a red light, "Zi", the car to an abrupt halt, the big niang body a inclined, and a heavily falls in the junior high school student body. The junior high school students can be angry, slammed the big niang push. The big niang almost fall.

I can not bear to look at it, then get up the courage to the junior high school student politely said: "the big brother, the big niang stand there good uncomfortable, why do you also pushed her? ' 'but they did not wait for junior high school students speak, big niang but it talked:" alas, you little pretty up my grandson how tube? I let him sit of is, I would like to, who let you tube? ""?, car people tend to vote to different eyes, as if I was wrong. My face has been red to the ear. And the junior middle school students are complacent with looked at me as if to say, "who let you are nosy!, I only feel that, time seems frozen, just feel the car drove too slow. The car arrive station is not is stationary, I away and disappear underground car.

I can't imagine his own kind, will get a awkward encounter so!

鹏仔 微信 15129739599

百科狗 baikegou.com

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