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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-07-13 22:54:58浏览:12分类:旅游攻略


To thaw the fjord,

it’s frozen over,

no one can get in or out?



I don’t believe you!

What?! I just assumed that you would have to...

That I'll shove on the gloves,

that’s how your story ends?!

It does ! It's just like it was,

except for we’ll be best friends

So that’s in your plan to force me back in a cage

Whoa, whoa!

Don’t get upset let’s get back on the same page

Gee, thanks for coming up to see the place

And showing off your mastery of tact and grace, okay!

Run down the hill and spill my secrets,

make a full report!



Cause life’s too short

There it is!

The door you’d love to slam in my face!

You did well there for a spell,

but now you’re back in the same place

Kick me out if you want,

but I’m the only one who is

Not one hundred percent

convinced the prophecy’s you!

You can think whatever

you want 'cause I don’t care

You’re a fool who married a stranger!

That is so unfair

I swear I’m through with taking your

unshaking sisterly support...

HAH! Life’s too short!

To let you treat the people down

there just as coldly as you always treated me

La la lalala laaaa

Life’s too short!

To listen to a reckless fool

who only ever sees the things she wants to see

You don’t know me

You have no idea

What I've been through!

Because of you

Life’s too short to waste another minute

Life’s too short to even have you in it

Life’s too short

I've been so wrong about you

You?! You've been so wrong about everything.

Maybe you are the prophecy!

I am NOT the prophecy!

鹏仔 微信 15129739599

百科狗 baikegou.com

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