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黎明的try to remember 的中文歌词

作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-07-25 01:22:24浏览:11分类:歌词大全

黎明的try to remember 的中文歌词

try to remember the kind of september 请记得那时的九月 when life was slow and oh so mellow 当那时的生活步调悠闲又轻松 try to remember the kind of september 请记得那时的九月 when grass was green and grain was yellow 当绿草如茵 稻穗香澄 try to remember the kind of september 请记得那时的九月 when you were a tender and a callow fellow 当你是温柔又青涩的小子 try to remember and if you remember 如果可以 请你记得 then follow -follow,oh-oh 永远记得 try to remember when life was so tender 请记得生命曾经如此温柔 that no one wept except the willow 除了岸边杨柳 无人泪流 try to remember the kind of september 请你记得那时的九月 when love was an ember about to billow 当爱转眼灰飞烟灭 try to remember and if you remember 如果可以 请你记得 then follow-follow,oh-oh 永远记得 deep in december it`s nice to remember 十二月的寒冬中 请你记得 although you know the snow will follow 那怕风雪即将落下 deep in december it`s nice to remember 十二月的寒冬中 请你记得 the fire of september that made us mellow 炙热的九月天 使我们温柔圆熟 deep in december our hearts should remember 让我们永远记得 and follow-follow,oh-oh 永远记得

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