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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-07-27 19:57:40浏览:3分类:歌词大全


(The set of the final scene of "Don Juan TRIUMPHANT" A huge hall with an arch.

Behind the arch, which has curtains, is a bed.

A fine table, laid for two. PASSARINO, DON JUAN'S servant,

is directing the STAFF as they make the room ready.

They are a crowd of sixteenth century ruffians and hoydens,

proud of their master's reputation as a libertine)


Here the sire may serve the dam,

here the master takes his meat!

Here the sacrificial lamb

utters one despairing bleat!


Poor young maiden! For the thrill

on your tongue of stolen sweets

you will have to pay the bill -

tangled in the winding sheets!

Serve the meal and serve the maid!

Serve the master so that, when

tables, plans and maids are laid,

Don Juan triumphs once again!

(SIGNOR PIANGI, as Don Juan, emerges from behind the arch.

MEG, a gypsy dancer pirouettes coquettishly for him.

He throws her a purse. She catches it and leaves)


Passarino, faithful friend,

once again recite the plan.


Your young guest believes I'm you -

I, the master, you, the man.


When you met you wore my cloak,

with my scarf you hid your face.

She believes she dines with me,

in her master's borrowed place!

Furtively, we'll scoff and quaff,

stealing what, in truth, is mine.

When it's late and modesty

starts to mellow, with the wine . . .


You come home! I use your voice -

slam the door like crack of doom!


I shall say: "come - hide with me!

Where, oh, where? Of course - my room!"


Poor thing hasn't got a chance!


Here's my hat, my cloak and sword.

Conquest is assured,

if I do not forget myself and laugh . . .

(DON JUAN puts on PASSARINO's cloak

and goes into the curtained alcove where the bed awaits.

Although we do not yet know it, the Punjab Lasso has done its work,

and SIGNOR PIANGI is no more.

When next we see DON JUAN, it will be the PHANTOM.

Meanwhile, we hear AMINTA (CHRISTINE) singing happily in the distance)

AMINTA (CHRISTINE - offstage, entering)

". . . no thoughts

within her head,

but thoughts of joy!

No dreams

within her heart

but dreams of love!"

PASSARINO (onstage)


DON JUAN (PHANTOM - behind the curtain)

Passarino - go away!

For the trap is set and waits for its prey . . .


She takes off her cloak and sits down. Looks about her. No one.

She starts on an apple.

The PHANTOM, disguised as DON JUAN pretending to be PASSARINO,


He now wears PASSARINO's robe, the cowl of which hides his face.

His first words startle her)


You have come here

in pursuit of

your deepest urge,

in pursuit of

that wish,

which till now

has been silent,

silent . . .

I have brought you,

that our passions

may fuse and merge -

in your mind

you've already

succumbed to me

dropped all defences

completely succumbed to me -

now you are here with me:

no second thoughts,

you've decided,

decided . . .

Past the point

of no return -

no backward glances:

the games we've played

till now are at

an end . . .

Past all thought

of "if" or "when" -

no use resisting:

abandon thought,

and let the dream

descend . . .

What raging fire

shall flood the soul?

What rich desire

unlocks its door?

What sweet seduction

lies before

us . . .?

Past the point

of no return,

the final threshold -

what warm,

unspoken secrets

will we learn?

Beyond the point

of no return . . .


You have brought me

to that moment

where words run dry,

to that moment

where speech


into silence,

silence . . .

I have come here,

hardly knowing

the reason why . . .

In my mind,

I've already

imagined our

bodies entwining

defenceless and silent -

and now I am

here with you:

no second thoughts,

I've decided,

decided . . .

Past the point

of no return -

no going back now:

our passion-play

has now, at last,

begun . . .

Past all thought

of right or wrong -

one final question:

how long should we

two wait, before

we're one . . .?

When will the blood

begin to race

the sleeping bud

burst into bloom?

When will the flames,

at last, consume

us . . .?


Past the point

of no return

the final threshold -

the bridge

is crossed, so stand

and watch it burn . . .

We've passed the point

of no return . . .

(By now the audience and the POLICE have realised

that SIGNOR PIANGI is dead behind the curtain,

and it is the PHANTOM who sings in his place.

CHRISTINE knows it too. As final confirmation, the PHANTOM sings)


Say you'll share with

me one

love, one lifetime . . .

Lead me, save me

from my solitude . . .

(He takes from his finger a ring and holds it out to her.

Slowly she takes it and puts it on her finger.)

Say you want me

with you,

here beside you . . .

Anywhere you go

let me go too -


that's all I ask of . . .

(We never reach the word 'you',

for CHRISTINE quite calmly reveals the PHANTOM'S face to the audience.

As the FORCES OF LAW close in on the horrifying skull,

the PHANTOM sweeps his cloak around her and vanishes.

MEG pulls the curtain upstage, revealing PIANGI'S body garotted,

propped against the bed, his head gruesomely tilted to one side.

She screams.)



(POLICE, STAGEHANDS, etc. rush onto the stage in confusion.



What is it? What has happened? Ubaldo!


Oh, my God . . . my God . . .


We're ruined, Andre - ruined!


Monsieur le Vicomte! Come with me!

CARLOTTA (rushing over to PIANGI's body)

Oh, my darling, my darling . . . who has done

this ...?

(Hysterical, attacking ANDRE)

You! Why did you let this happen?

(She breaks down, as PIANGI's body is carried off on a stretcher)


Monsieur le Vicomte, I know where they are.


But can I trust you?


You must. But remember: your hand at the level of

your eyes!


But why . . .?


Why? The Punjab lasso, monsieur. First Buquet. Now Piangi.

MEG (holding up her hand)

Like this, monsieur. I'll come with you.


No, Meg! No, you stay here!


Come with me, monsieur. Hurry, or we shall be too

late . . .


hey oh 的中文歌词

哦 哦 哦 哦 Ho ho ho ho ho

哦 哦 哦 哦 Ho ho ho ho

哦 哦 哦 哦 Ho ho ho ho ho

哦 哦 哦 哦

Est-ce que tu m’entends hey ho ! 你是否听到我的声音, 哎哦

Est-ce que tu me sens hey ho ! 你是否心中已有我,哎哦

Touche moi je suis là hey ho! 我在这里亲亲我,哎哦

Ho ho ho ho ho ho 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦

S’il te plais réponds moi hey ho 请回答我!哎哦

Un geste suffira hey ho ! 打一个手势就行喽, 哎哦

Est-ce que tu m’aper?ois hey ho! 你是否发现我 哎哦

Ho ho ho ho ho ho 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦

a fait longtemps, qu’en bas de ta fenêtre 在你窗下我久等没动窝

J’appelle vainement mais personne ne répond 白喊没人回答我

Fais juste un signe pour montrer que t’es là 打个招呼证明你在家唷

Ho yé ho ho ho ho ho 哦 哎 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦

Est-ce que tu m’entends hey ho ! 你是否听到我的声, 哎哦

Est-ce que tu me sens hey ho ! 你是否心中已有我,哎哦

Touche moi je suis là hey ho! 我在这里亲亲我,哎哦

Ho ho ho ho ho ho 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦

S’il te plais réponds moi hey ho 请回答我!哎哦

Un geste suffira hey ho ! 打一个手势就行喽, 哎哦

Est-ce que tu m’aper?ois hey ho! 你是否发现我 哎哦

Ho ho ho ho ho ho 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦

Déjà deux heures qu’en bas de chez toi 在你窗下两小时为的是等候

Je cris ton nom mais personne m’entend juste un signe suffira


Lève la tête ho ! Regarde qui est là 抬起头看哦!看谁在这里。

Ho ho ho ho哦 哦 哦 哦

Est-ce que tu m’entends hey ho !你是否听到我的声,哎哦

Est-ce que tu me sens hey ho !你是否心中已有我,哎哦

Touche moi je suis là hey ho!我在这里亲亲我,哎哦

Ho ho ho ho ho ho哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦

S’il te plais réponds moi hey ho请回答我!哎哦

Un geste suffira hey ho !打一个手势就行喽, 哎哦

Est-ce que tu m’aper?ois hey ho!你是否发现我 哎哦

Ho ho ho ho ho ho哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦

a fait longtemps, qu’en bas de ta fenêtre在你窗下我久等没动窝

J’appelle vainement mais personne ne répond白喊没人回答我

Fais juste un signe pour montrer que t’es là打个招呼证明你在家唷

Ho yé ho ho ho ho ho哦 哎 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦

Déjà deux heures qu’en bas de chez toi在你窗下两小时为的是等候

Je cris ton nom mais personne m’entend juste un signe suffira


Lève la tête ho! Regarde qui est là抬起头看看谁在这里。

Ho ho ho ho哦 哦 哦 哦

Est-ce que tu m’entends hey ho !你是否听到我的声,哎哦

Est-ce que tu me sens hey ho !你是否心中已有我,哎哦

Touche moi je suis là hey ho!我在这里亲亲我,哎哦

Ho ho ho ho ho ho哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦

S’il te plais réponds moi hey ho请回答我!哎哦

Un geste suffira hey ho !打一个手势就行喽, 哎哦

Est-ce que tu m’aper?ois hey ho!你是否发现我 哎哦

The Curse Of The Sad Mummy阿木木的诅咒

Every child in Valoran has heard the tale before瓦罗兰大陆每个孩子熟知的传说About the crused mummy boy那是关于被诅咒的木乃伊男孩

who felt his heart no more以及他无法找到的自我

So sad and lorn, the helpless lad那个无助的孩子叫做阿木木

Amumu was his name如此悲伤而孤独

He ventured out to find a friend他历尽艰险寻找朋友

and learn about his bane相伴的却只有痛苦For many years, young Amumu traveled through the lands多年来小阿木木穿行于大陆Determined to make friends, if only they would understand只求能找到知心的朋友But even when Amumu stood upon the ledge of home但当阿木木站在窗前翘首以盼His hope would disappoint him他的希望陨落

and he would remain alone他的孤独依旧

But then the curse began to whisper in his ear这时他的诅咒在耳边轻语And would confirm what was Amumu's biggest fear道出了阿木木最大的恐惧It pledged that never shall someone become his friend它说他永远不会有朋友It pledged that he shall be alone until his end它说孤独将是他最后的归宿The sorrow and despair那些悲伤与绝望

Became too much to bear伤得他无法抵抗

The moment when Amumu当阿木木回过神

realized what he had done一切都已经发生

Too late it was, for him, for them对他或他们都已太晚

the evil curse had won邪咒早已取胜

The anger and the anguish overwhelmed his fragile soul愤怒和苦闷湮没了脆弱的灵魂And caused a wicked tantrum that he never could control魔性爆发 从此失控

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