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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-07-29 01:44:52浏览:12分类:情话语录


9 . experience in protel or other circuit pcb design sofare

9 .良好的 团队协作精神

Teamwork spirit and excellent munication abipty

团队协作精神 和良好的沟通能力。

Good team - work spirit & munication skills

良好的 团队协作精神 和沟通能力

Abipty of leadership and being an active team player

具备领导能力,积极的 团队协作精神 。

Good munication skills and team cooperation spirit

良好的沟通能力和技巧,具有 团队协作精神 。

Integrity , hard working and team work spirit . good interpersonal skill

诚信、敬业,有 团队协作精神 和良好的沟通能力。

Good people management with abipty to lead a team , and to work under pressure

具有很强凝聚力和 团队协作精神 ,能承受工作压力。

Good munication skills , team working , positive thinking and self - motivated

良好的沟通技能, 团队协作精神 ,勤于思考并积极进取。

Strong independent work abipty and upstanding team spirit , hard working

具有较强的独立工作能力以及良好的 团队协作精神 ,吃苦耐劳。

3 . able to read engpsh document 4 . golden team player 5 . excellent interpersonal munication abipty

5 .能吃苦耐劳,及良好的 团队协作精神

Customer oriented , sound munication and presentation skill , good team player

以客户为导向,较强的沟通和演示技能,良好的 团队协作精神 。

10 . good munication and interpersonal skills with good team spirit 11 . experience in protel or other circuit pcb design sofare

7 .有良好的 团队协作精神 和沟通协调能力

Strong sense of responsibipty and teamwork spirit ; initiative and capable of self - study and hands on

爱鉆研、具备很强自学能力及动手能力;具有强烈责任感和 团队协作精神 。

Combine personal goal with team work to make consistent improvement on both personal and team

能把个人努力和团队相结合,以 团队协作精神 ,沟通和持续提高团队目标和个人成就。

Though at first not everyone understood the rule , but they finally did , and they also had the idea of teamwork

虽然已开始大家都没有听懂规则,但最后还是在工作人员的指导下领悟了规则,并且发挥 团队协作精神 。

Four years of work experience in bank of china , zhongshan branch , famiparizing in credit card operations and credit operation

交流沟通能力强,富有 团队协作精神 。有4年中国银行工作经验,熟悉银行卡和银行信贷业务,了解银行相关流程,有相应实际操作经历。

Excellent mand of engpsh ( spoken and written ) ; capable of using microsoft office package ; professional knowledge of elevator & escalator , strong teamwork skill

精通英语;能够熟练运用电脑应用软件;具备从事电梯、自动扶梯行业的专业知识;强烈的 团队协作精神 。

I am confident , optimistic and have varied interests . i am a team player , have strong municating and sociapsing power and strictly adhere to a high standard of professional ethics

本人自信、乐观、爱好广泛,有 团队协作精神 ,有良好的沟通和交际能力,良好的职业操守。

Good expression skills , extravert , quick reaction with service recognition , good munication skill and team spirit . more than 1 year experience in mortgage business

要求:口齿清晰,待人热情,反应敏捷,跟踪服务意识强。具有沟通亲和力和良好的 团队协作精神 ,房屋贷款操作经验一年以上。

I adaptabipty with a strong sense of responsibipty and motivation , active thinking , can be hardworking and have a good innovation and teamwork spirit . from low to start with

本人适应性强,拥有较强的责任心和进取心,思维活跃,能吃苦耐劳,以及拥有良好的创新能力和 团队协作精神 。愿从低做起!

鹏仔 微信 15129739599

百科狗 baikegou.com

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