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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-07-29 08:57:45浏览:11分类:情话语录



 你是不是也跟我一样喜欢经常找一些经典励志英文故事来看看呢,那么经典励志英文故事都有哪些呢?下面 为大家带来经典励志的英文故事,快来看看吧。

经典励志的英文故事 篇1

 Tiresias was a blind, darkseeing prophet(先知) of Thebes. He was struck with blindness in his youth, because he had spied unwittingly on the goddess Athena. He was wandering in the woods one day when quite unexpectedly he saw anaked maiden bathing in a placid lake. Little did he know that he had offended the virgin goddess. Taken unaware and scarlet with wrath(愤怒) , the goddess exclaimed that whoever had the boldness to steal a glance at her naked body was doomed to perpetual(永久的) blindness. But when she learned later that the offence was unintentional, it was too late for her to take back what she had said. Taking pity on the poor youth for the loss of his sight, she obtained from Zeus an exceptional long life for him, and from Apollo a divine(神圣的) power of prophecy. Besides, she provided him with a marvellous sharpness of ear, so that he could understand the voices of all birds. And she filled his mind with mystic knowledge of things past and of things to come. In short she gave him quite an amount of her own wisdom. He was the first to recognise and welcome Dionysus, god of feast and wine, on the The ban land. When the infant Heracles caught Hera's two serpents(巨蛇) in its hands, it was Tiresias who cast the child's fortune and revealed the divine origin and destiny of the boy. When Oedipus abused Tiresias as having had a hand in the murder of Laius, Tiresias had the fearless courage to tell the truth that Oedipus was the murderer. Even in the lower world he continued to prophesy. There he helped Odysseus when the hero came to him for advice. Alive, he was highly respected by all;dead, he enjoyed the generous air and rosy light in the land of the Blest.


经典励志的英文故事 篇2

 Far out in the sea there was an island, on the rocky edge of which lived three Sirens, the three sisters of magic song. Half human and half bird, the Siren sisters sat in a field of flowers, singing in voices that excited the hearts of men. The attractive songs were so sweet that ships were attracted to the island and struck to pieces on the rocks. No sailor nor ship had ever been known to pass the Island of the Sirens without being attracted to disaster.

 Acting on the advice of Circe, Odysseus took careful preparation against the Sirens. Before their ships came to where they could hear the song, Odysseus had himself tied to the mast(桅杆,柱) , stopped the ears of his men with wax(蜡) and ordered them to ignore his orders and gestures when they were passing the fatal island.

 Soon they came in sight of the rocky island, and the attractive song reached the ears of Odysseus. It moved him so much that he struggled in despair to free himself and shouted for his men to turn towards the rich and flowery grass land of the singing sisters. But no one paid any attention to him. The sailors kept straight on until they were completely out of hearing. Then his friends freed him and took the wax out of their ears. For once the Sirens had sung with no effects. The eldest of the sisters, Partherope, loved Odysseus so much that she threw herself into the sea after his ships had passed.




经典励志的英文故事 篇3

 A Straight Wall Is Hard to Build


 by Lou R. Crandall


 As I try to outline my thoughts, the subject becomes more and more difficult. I have many basic beliefs but as I try to pick and choose it seems to me that they all can be summarized in the word "character." Obviously, what you believe is a fundamental thing. There can be no fanfare, no embellishments. It must be honest.


 An architect once told me that the most difficult structure to design was a simple monumental shaft. The proportions must perfect to be pleasing. The hardest thing to build is a plain straight wall. The dimensions must be absolute.


 In either case there is no ornamentation to hide irregularities, no moldings to cover hidden defects and no supports to strengthen concealed weaknesses.


 I am using this example to illustrate human character, which to me is the most important single power in the world today. The young people of toady are in reality foundations of structures yet to be built.


 It is obvious that the design of these human structures is the combined efforts of many human architects. Boys and girls are influenced first by their parents, then by their friends and finally by business associates. During this period of construction, the human character is revised and changed until at maturity a fairly well-fixed form of character is found.


 There are few human straight walls and fewer human monumental shafts. Such men and women are personalities of great beauty and are so rare that history records their being and holds them up as examples for the future.


 The Biblical characters are for me the closest examples of human perfection. They were unselfish, steadfast in their faith and unstinting in their help to others.


 Today in this world of turmoil and trouble we could use more of such people, but they do not just happen along. I believe that they are the result of concentrated effort on the part of parents and associates, and the more we build with character the better the world will become.


 This may sound like a dreamer's hope and a theoretical goal which can never be reached. I do not think so.


 The world as a whole has progressed tremendously material-wise, and we are a fortunate nation in that we are leading the procession. It is, I believe, natural that nations not so fortunate should look upon us with envy. We would do the same if the positions were reserved, so we should not judge too harshly the efforts of others to equal our standard of living. In either case, the fortunate or the unfortunate character in the individual and collectively in a nation stands out.


 I agree that it is easier to build character under ideal conditions but cannot forget that character is also required to give as well as receive.


 It should be to the benefit of humanity if all individuals - and this includes myself - did a renovation or remodeling job on our own character. It may merely be a case of removing rough edges or tossing away molding to expose irregularities, in some cases to remove a prop and stand on one's own feet.


 In any event if some of us set example, others will follow and the result should be good. This I believe.


经典励志的英文故事 篇4

 Give the wrong-doer a way out

 Beginning with Yu the GREat, the Xia Dynasty had lasted about four hundred years before Jie became the supreme ruler.

 And that was in the 18th century BC. Jie was extremely tyrannical and dissolute. This aroused GREat resentment among the people. Tang, the Chief of the tribe Shang took advantage of this situation to overthrow the Xia Dynasty and established the Shang Dynasty in the early 17th century BC. Among the preparations for the overthrow had been the winning over of popular support.

 One day, Tang was having a walk in the open country. He saw a man catching birds with a big net spread in a box-like and mumbling: "Come on, birds! Come into my net. All of you, whether you are flying high or low, east or west. Come into my net!"

 Tang walked over and said to the man, "This method is ruthless! You'll spare no birds this way!" With these words, he cut the net down on three sides. Then he murmured in a light voice as if praying: "Oh, birds! Fly to the left or right as you like. And if you're really tired of your life, come into this net!"

 When chiefs of other tribes heard about this, they were all moved. They said, "Tang is a good king indeed. He is so kind even to birds and beasts. He must be more merciful to human beings." And very soon, about forty tribes pledged allegiance to Tang.

 From that story came the idiom "Open the net on three sides". Later, people changed it into "Give the wrong-doer a way out.", indicating to be lenient to the wrong-doers.






 其它部落的首领得知这件事后都非常感动。他们说:"汤真是一位贤王啊。他对鸟兽都如此仁慈,何况是对人呢?" 不久就有四十多个部落宣誓效忠汤。


经典励志的英文故事 篇5

 A bird startled by the mere twang of a bow-string

 During the time of the Warring States (475-221 BC), there lived a well-known archer named Geng Ying whose art in shooting was excelled by none at his time.

 One day, as he was standing by the side of the King of Wei, a flock of swan geese were flying over. With confidence, Geng Ying said to the king, "The twang of my bow-string might bring down a bird." The King doubted much. Just then a solitary swan goose appeared, low and slow in its flight, sad and dolorous in its cry. Instantly Geng Ying bended his bow and forcibly pulled the bowstring. Twang! High up went he shrilling sound into the air and down fell the bird to the ground. The king admired with bewilderment. Gang Ying then explained: "The bird was flying low and slow, because it was already hurt; it was crying in a bitter tone, because it had lost its companions. Due to the fact that it was already hurt and sad at heart, the twang of my strong bow, that birds dreaded most, startled it. The shrilling sound made its heart beat fast, its wings weak, its balance uneven. Thus it fell down just as commonly as a man drops his chop-sticks, at the thunder-stroke, at a dinner table." Henceforth comes the idiom "A bird startled by the mere twang of a bow-string", illustrating a case where a man who had been previously and repeatedly frightened became numb and stupefied by a new thing of the same nature not knowing how to face the new situation.



经典励志的英文故事 篇6





 A Crow was sitting on a branch of a tree with a piece of cheese in her beak when a Fox observed her and set his wits to work to discover some way of getting the cheese. Coming and standing under the

 tree he looked up and said, "What a noble bird I see above me! Her beauty is without equal, the hue of her plumage exquisite. If only her voice is as sweet as her looks are fair, she ought without doubt to be Queen of the Birds." The Crow was hugely flattered by this, and just to show the Fox that she could sing she gave a loud caw. Down came the cheese, of course, and the Fox, snatching it up, said, "You have a voice, madam, I see: what you want is wits."

经典励志的英文故事 篇7

 A young man asked Socrates the secret to success. Socrates told the young man to meet him near the river the next morning. They met. Socrates asked the young man to walk with him toward the river. When the water got up to their neck, Socrates took the young man by surprise and ducked him into the water. The boy struggled to get out but Socrates was strong and kept him there until the boy started turning blue. Socrates pulled his head out of the water and the first thing the young man did was to gasp and take a deep breath of air. Socrates asked, “What did you want the most when you were there?” The boy replied, “Air.” Socrates said, “That is the secret to success. When you want success as badly as you wanted the air, then you will get it. There is no other secret.”

 一个年轻人向苏格拉底询问秘诀,苏格拉底让年轻人第二天早晨去到河边见他。他们见面后,苏格拉底叫年轻人和他一起走向河里,当河水淹至他们的 脖子时,苏格拉底出其不意地抓住年轻人并把其压入水中,那人想要挣出水面, 而强壮有力的苏格拉底将他摁在水中直到他变得无力抗争,脸色发青。苏格拉 底将他的头拖出水面,这个年轻人所做的第一件事就是大口喘息后,深吸一口 气。苏格拉底问: “当你闷在水里的时候你最想要的是什么?”年轻人回答说: “空气。 ”苏格拉底说: “那就是秘诀。当你像渴望空气一样渴望成功, 你就能够获得它!没有其他的秘密了。 ”

经典励志的英文故事 篇8

 After the rain, a difficult spider to the wall has been fragmented network, due to damp walls, it must climb the height, it will fall, which one to climb, repeatedly falling and… No. a person to see, and he sighed to himself: "my life as this spider is not it? busy and no income." Thus, he increasingly depressed. See the second person, he said: this spider really stupid, why do not dry place from the next to climb up to look around? I'll be as stupid as it can not. Thus, he becomes wise up. See the third person, he immediately spiders keep the spirit of war touched. So he has become strong.

 Tip: the mentality of those who are successful can be found everywhere the power of success.




amazon_chariots 亚马逊战车

armenian_legionaries 亚美尼亚步兵

barb_archer_dacian 弓箭手

barb_archer_scythian 弓箭手

barb_archer_slave 弓箭手

barb_ballistas_dacian 弩炮

barb_berserker_german 日耳曼狂战士

barb_british_general_briton 蛮族精锐酋长卫队

barb_cavalry_dacian 蛮族骑兵

barb_cavalry_gaul 蛮族骑兵

barb_cavalry_german 蛮族骑兵

barb_cavalry_scythian 蛮族骑兵

barb_cavalry_slave 蛮族骑兵

barb_chariot_heavy_briton 不列颠重型战车

barb_chariot_heavy_slave 叛军重型战车

barb_chariot_light_briton 不列颠轻型战车

barb_chieftain_cavalry_dacian 蛮族精锐酋长卫队

barb_chieftain_cavalry_early_dacian 蛮族酋长卫队

barb_chieftain_cavalry_early_gaul 蛮族酋长卫队

barb_chieftain_cavalry_early_german 蛮族酋长卫队

barb_chieftain_cavalry_early_scythian 蛮族酋长卫队

barb_chieftain_cavalry_early_slave 蛮族酋长卫队

barb_chieftain_cavalry_gaul 蛮族精锐酋长卫队

barb_chieftain_cavalry_german 蛮族精锐酋长卫队

barb_horse_archers_scythian 西徐亚弓骑兵

barb_horse_archers_slave 叛军弓骑兵

barb_infantry_briton 不列颠步兵

barb_infantry_dacian 达西亚步兵

barb_infantry_gaul 高卢步兵

barb_infantry_slave 叛军步兵

barb_noble_cavalry_dacian 蛮族贵族骑兵

barb_noble_cavalry_gaul 蛮族贵族骑兵

barb_noble_cavalry_german 蛮族贵族骑兵

barb_noble_cavalry_slave 蛮族贵族骑兵

barb_noble_horse_archers_scythian 西徐亚贵族弓骑兵

barb_onagers_dacian 石弩

barb_onagers_scythian 石弩

barb_peasant_briton 蛮族农民

barb_peasant_dacian 蛮族农民

barb_peasant_gaul 蛮族农民

barb_peasant_german 蛮族农民

barb_peasant_scythian 蛮族农民

barb_peasant_slave 蛮族农民

barb_peltast_gaul 标枪战士

barb_peltast_german 标枪战士

barb_rebel_general 叛军将军卫队

barb_scythian_chieftain_cavalry_scythian 蛮族精锐酋长卫队

barb_slinger_briton 投石兵

barb_wardogs_briton 战獒

barb_wardogs_dacian 战獒

barb_wardogs_gaul 战獒

barb_wardogs_german 战獒

barb_wardogs_scythian 战獒

barb_warguard_briton 不列颠精锐武士

barb_warguard_dacian 达西亚精锐武士

barb_warguard_gaul 高卢精锐武士

barbarian_civ_peasant 蛮族成员

barbarian_female_peasant 蛮族成员

bronze_shield 本都铜盾长枪兵

bull_warriors 公牛战士

carthaginian_archer 弓箭手

carthaginian_cavalry 圆盾骑兵

carthaginian_city_militia 城镇民兵

carthaginian_civ_peasant 迦太基公民

carthaginian_elephant_african 战象

carthaginian_elephant_african_cataphract 披甲战象

carthaginian_elephant_forest 大象

carthaginian_female_peasant 迦太基公民

carthaginian_generals_cavalry 精锐将军卫队

carthaginian_generals_cavalry_early 将军卫队

carthaginian_heavy_infantry 布匿步兵

carthaginian_heavy_onagers 巨型石弩

carthaginian_infantry 伊比利亚步兵

carthaginian_medium_cavalry 长盾骑兵

carthaginian_medium_infantry 利比亚枪兵

carthaginian_onagers 石弩

carthaginian_peasant 农民

carthaginian_peltast 标枪兵

carthaginian_royal_cavalry 圣团骑兵

carthaginian_sacred_band 圣团步兵

carthaginian_slinger 投石兵

carthaginian_warhounds 战獒

cheat_oliphants 猛犸战象

druids_briton 不列颠德鲁伊教团

druids_gaul 高卢德鲁伊教团

druids_slave 叛军德鲁伊教团

east_archer 弓箭手

east_camel_cataphract 铁甲骆驼骑兵

east_cappodocian_cavalry 卡帕多西亚骑兵

east_cataphract_archer 铁甲弓骑兵

east_cavalry 本都轻骑兵

east_chariot 卷镰战车

east_chariot_archer 弓箭战车

east_elephant_african 战象

east_generals_cavalry 东方精锐将军卫队

east_generals_cavalry_early 东方将军卫队

east_heavy_cataphract 铁甲骑兵

east_heavy_cavalry 本都重骑兵

east_heavy_infantry 重装长枪兵

east_hillmen 丘陵兵

east_hoplite 本都长枪兵

east_horse_archer 弓骑兵

east_infantry 东方步兵

east_onager 石弩

east_peasant 农民

east_peltast 标枪兵

east_pontic_generals 东方精锐将军禁卫队

east_slinger 投石兵

eastern_civ_peasant 东方工人

eastern_female_peasant 东方工人

eastern_rebel_generals 叛军将军卫队

eat_persian_cavalry 波斯弓骑兵

egyptian_archer 弓箭手

egyptian_archer_elite 法老天选弓箭手

egyptian_camel_archers 骆驼弓骑兵

egyptian_cavalry 沙漠骑兵

egyptian_chariot 埃及战车

egyptian_chariot_archer 埃及弓箭战车

egyptian_civ_peasant 埃及工人

egyptian_cleruch 尼罗河骑兵

egyptian_elite_guards 法老禁卫军

egyptian_female_peasant 埃及工人

egyptian_general_early 埃及将军卫队

egyptian_generals_bodyguard 埃及精锐将军卫队

egyptian_heavy_onagers 巨型石弩

egyptian_infantry 沙漠斧头兵

egyptian_nile_cavalry 努比亚骑兵

egyptian_nile_infantry 尼罗河长枪兵

egyptian_nubian_spearmen 努比亚长枪兵

egyptian_onagers 石弩

egyptian_peasant 农民

egyptian_peltast 标枪兵

egyptian_slingers 投石兵

generic_rebel_general 叛军将军卫队

gothic_cavalry_german 哥特骑兵

greek_archer 弓箭手

greek_ballistas 弩炮

greek_bastarnae 巴斯塔奈战士

greek_cavalry 标枪骑兵

greek_civ_peasant 希腊公民

greek_elephant_african 战象

greek_elephant_armoured 披甲战象

greek_elephant_small 大象

greek_female_peasant 希腊公民

greek_generals_guard_cavalry 精锐将军卫队

greek_generals_guard_cavalry_early 将军卫队

greek_heavy_cavalry 马其顿骑兵

greek_heavy_onagers 巨型石弩

greek_heavy_peltast 重装标枪兵

greek_hoplite 希腊步兵

greek_hoplite_elite 希腊重步兵

greek_hoplite_militia 希腊民兵

greek_hoplite_spartan 斯巴达重步兵

greek_legionary 银盾步兵

greek_levy_pikemen 应征长枪兵

greek_medium_cavalry 希腊骑兵

greek_onagers 石弩

greek_peasant 农民

greek_peltast 标枪兵

greek_pigs 火猪

greek_pikemen 方阵长枪兵

greek_royal_cavalry 皇家骑兵

greek_royal_pikemen 马其顿皇家长枪兵

greek_scythed_chariots 卷镰战车

greek_silver_shields 银盾长枪兵

greek-Light_lancer 马其顿轻骑兵

head_hunting_maidens_scythian 西徐亚女猎骑

judean_zealots 犹太狂热份子

merc_arab_cavalry 阿拉伯雇佣骑兵

merc_balearic_slingers 巴利阿里投石兵

merc_barbarian_cavalry 蛮族雇佣骑兵

merc_barbarian_infantry 蛮族佣兵

merc_bastarnae 巴斯塔奈佣兵

merc_bedouin 贝多因骆驼轻骑兵

merc_bedouin_archers 贝多因骆驼弓骑兵

merc_cilician_pirate 西里西亚海盗

merc_cretan_archers 克里特弓箭手

merc_eastern_infantry 东方佣兵

merc_elephants 雇佣战象

merc_greek_hoplites 雇佣长枪兵

merc_horse_archers 西徐亚雇佣弓骑兵

merc_illyrian 伊利里亚佣兵

merc_libyan_infantry 利比亚佣兵

merc_numidian_cavalry 努米底亚雇佣骑兵

merc_peltast 雇佣标枪兵

merc_rhodian_slingers 罗德斯投石兵

merc_samnite 萨莫奈佣兵

merc_sarmatian_cavalry 萨尔马提亚雇佣骑兵

merc_spanish_infantry 西班牙佣兵

merc_thracian 色雷斯佣兵

naked_fanatics_dacian 达西亚狂热战士

naked_fanatics_gaul 高卢狂热战士

naked_fanatics_german 日耳曼狂热战士

naked_fanatics_slave 叛军狂热战士

naked_fanatics_spain 西班牙狂热战士

naval_bireme 双列战船

naval_boats 战船

naval_corvus 天鸦舰

naval_decere 七列战船

naval_large_boats 大型战船

naval_pirates 海盗船

naval_quinquireme 五列战船

naval_trireme 三列战船

night_raiders_german 日耳曼夜袭团

numidian_camel_riders 努米底亚骆驼骑兵

numidian_cavalry 努米底亚标枪骑兵

numidian_desert_warriors 沙漠步兵

numidian_javelinmen 努米底亚标枪兵

numidian_legionaries 努米底亚步兵

roman_arcani 神隐突击团

roman_archer 罗马弓箭兵

roman_archer_auxillia 罗马辅助弓箭兵

roman_ballista 弩炮

roman_cavalry_auxillia 罗马辅助骑兵

roman_city_militia 城镇民兵

roman_civ_peasant 罗马公民

roman_female_peasant 罗马公民

roman_generals_guard_cavalry 罗马精锐将军卫队

roman_generals_guard_cavalry_early 罗马将军卫队

roman_hastati 罗马青年军

roman_heavy_cavalry 罗马军团骑兵

roman_heavy_onager 巨型石弩

roman_incendiary_pigs 火猪

roman_infantry_auxillia 罗马辅助步兵

roman_legionary_cohort_i 早期罗马军团步兵

roman_legionary_cohort_ii 罗马军团步兵

roman_legionary_first_cohort_i 早期罗马鹰旗步兵

roman_legionary_first_cohort_ii 罗马鹰旗步兵

roman_light_cavalry 罗马轻骑兵

roman_light_infantry 罗马辅助轻步兵

roman_medium_cavalry 罗马骑兵

roman_mirmillo_gladiator 米尔麦罗角斗士

roman_onager 石弩

roman_peasant 农民

roman_praetorian_cavalry 罗马禁卫骑兵

roman_praetorian_cohort_i 罗马禁卫军

roman_praetorian_cohort_urban_i 罗马精锐戍卫军团

roman_principes 罗马重步兵

roman_repeating_ballistae 连弩炮

roman_samnite_gladiator 萨莫奈角斗士

roman_scorpion 蝎弩

roman_triarii 罗马精锐步兵

roman_velite 罗马轻步兵

roman_velite_gladiator 维赖特角斗士

roman_wardogs 战獒

screeching_women_german 日耳曼女战士

scutarii 盾牌兵

scythian_noble_women_scythian 西徐亚贵族女骑兵

scythian_nobles_scythian 西徐亚贵族骑兵

thracian_generals_guard_cavalry 精锐将军卫队

thracian_generals_guard_cavalry_early 将军卫队

warband_archer_dacian 精锐弓箭手

warband_archer_german 精锐弓箭手

warband_archer_scythian 精锐弓箭手

warband_axe_german 日耳曼斧头兵

warband_axe_scythian 西徐亚斧头兵

warband_dhaxe_german 日耳曼精锐斧头兵

warband_falx_dacian 达西亚长刀兵

warband_falx_thracian 色雷斯长刀兵

warband_huntsman_gaul 森林猎手

warband_hurler_briton 掷头兵

warband_spear_german 日耳曼长枪兵

warband_sword_briton 不列颠武士

warband_sword_gaul 高卢武士

warband_woad_briton 不列颠图腾战士

amazon_chariots亚马逊战车 armenian_legionaries亚美尼亚步兵 barb_archer_dacian弓箭手 barb_archer_scythian弓箭手 barb_archer_slave弓箭手 barb_ballistas_dacian弩炮 barb_berserker_german日耳曼狂战士 barb_british_general_briton蛮族精锐酋长卫队 barb_cavalry_dacian蛮族骑兵 barb_cavalry_gaul蛮族骑兵 barb_cavalry_german蛮族骑兵 barb_cavalry_scythian蛮族骑兵 barb_cavalry_slave蛮族骑兵 barb_chariot_heavy_briton不列颠重型战车 barb_chariot_heavy_slave叛军重型战车 barb_chariot_light_briton不列颠轻型战车 barb_chieftain_cavalry_dacian蛮族精锐酋长卫队 barb_chieftain_cavalry_early_dacian蛮族酋长卫队 barb_chieftain_cavalry_early_gaul蛮族酋长卫队 barb_chieftain_cavalry_early_german蛮族酋长卫队 barb_chieftain_cavalry_early_scythian蛮族酋长卫队 barb_chieftain_cavalry_early_slave蛮族酋长卫队 barb_chieftain_cavalry_gaul蛮族精锐酋长卫队 barb_chieftain_cavalry_german蛮族精锐酋长卫队 barb_horse_archers_scythian西徐亚弓骑兵 barb_horse_archers_slave叛军弓骑兵 barb_infantry_briton不列颠步兵 barb_infantry_dacian达西亚步兵 barb_infantry_gaul高卢步兵 barb_infantry_slave叛军步兵 barb_noble_cavalry_dacian蛮族贵族骑兵 barb_noble_cavalry_gaul蛮族贵族骑兵 barb_noble_cavalry_german蛮族贵族骑兵 barb_noble_cavalry_slave蛮族贵族骑兵 barb_noble_horse_archers_scythian西徐亚贵族弓骑兵 barb_onagers_dacian石弩 barb_onagers_scythian石弩 barb_peasant_briton蛮族农民 barb_peasant_dacian蛮族农民 barb_peasant_gaul蛮族农民 barb_peasant_german蛮族农民 barb_peasant_scythian蛮族农民 barb_peasant_slave蛮族农民 barb_peltast_gaul标枪战士 barb_peltast_german标枪战士 barb_rebel_general叛军将军卫队 barb_scythian_chieftain_cavalry_scythian蛮族精锐酋长卫队 barb_slinger_briton投石兵 barb_wardogs_briton战獒 barb_wardogs_dacian战獒 barb_wardogs_gaul战獒 barb_wardogs_german战獒 barb_wardogs_scythian战獒 barb_warguard_briton不列颠精锐武士 barb_warguard_dacian达西亚精锐武士 barb_warguard_gaul高卢精锐武士 barbarian_civ_peasant蛮族成员 barbarian_female_peasant蛮族成员 bronze_shield本都铜盾长枪兵 bull_warriors公牛战士 carthaginian_archer弓箭手 carthaginian_cavalry圆盾骑兵 carthaginian_city_militia城镇民兵 carthaginian_civ_peasant迦太基公民 carthaginian_elephant_african战象 carthaginian_elephant_african_cataphract披甲战象 carthaginian_elephant_forest大象 carthaginian_female_peasant迦太基公民 carthaginian_generals_cavalry精锐将军卫队 carthaginian_generals_cavalry_early将军卫队 carthaginian_heavy_infantry布匿步兵 carthaginian_heavy_onagers巨型石弩 carthaginian_infantry伊比利亚步兵 carthaginian_medium_cavalry长盾骑兵 carthaginian_medium_infantry利比亚枪兵 carthaginian_onagers石弩 carthaginian_peasant农民 carthaginian_peltast标枪兵 carthaginian_royal_cavalry圣团骑兵 carthaginian_sacred_band圣团步兵 carthaginian_slinger投石兵 carthaginian_warhounds战獒 cheat_oliphants猛犸战象 druids_briton不列颠德鲁伊教团 druids_gaul高卢德鲁伊教团 druids_slave叛军德鲁伊教团 east_archer弓箭手 east_camel_cataphract铁甲骆驼骑兵 east_cappodocian_cavalry卡帕多西亚骑兵 east_cataphract_archer铁甲弓骑兵 east_cavalry本都轻骑兵 east_chariot卷镰战车 east_chariot_archer弓箭战车 east_elephant_african战象 east_generals_cavalry东方精锐将军卫队 east_generals_cavalry_early东方将军卫队 east_heavy_cataphract铁甲骑兵 east_heavy_cavalry本都重骑兵 east_heavy_infantry重装长枪兵 east_hillmen丘陵兵 east_hoplite本都长枪兵 east_horse_archer弓骑兵 east_infantry东方步兵 east_onager石弩 east_peasant农民 east_peltast标枪兵 east_pontic_generals东方精锐将军禁卫队 east_slinger投石兵 eastern_civ_peasant东方工人 eastern_female_peasant东方工人 eastern_rebel_generals叛军将军卫队 eat_persian_cavalry波斯弓骑兵 egyptian_archer弓箭手 egyptian_archer_elite法老天选弓箭手 egyptian_camel_archers骆驼弓骑兵 egyptian_cavalry沙漠骑兵 egyptian_chariot埃及战车 egyptian_chariot_archer埃及弓箭战车 egyptian_civ_peasant埃及工人 egyptian_cleruch尼罗河骑兵 egyptian_elite_guards法老禁卫军 egyptian_female_peasant埃及工人 egyptian_general_early埃及将军卫队 egyptian_generals_bodyguard埃及精锐将军卫队 egyptian_heavy_onagers巨型石弩 egyptian_infantry沙漠斧头兵 egyptian_nile_cavalry努比亚骑兵 egyptian_nile_infantry尼罗河长枪兵 egyptian_nubian_spearmen努比亚长枪兵 egyptian_onagers石弩 egyptian_peasant农民 egyptian_peltast标枪兵 egyptian_slingers投石兵 generic_rebel_general叛军将军卫队 gothic_cavalry_german哥特骑兵 greek_archer弓箭手 greek_ballistas弩炮 greek_bastarnae巴斯塔奈战士 greek_cavalry标枪骑兵 greek_civ_peasant希腊公民 greek_elephant_african战象 greek_elephant_armoured披甲战象 greek_elephant_small大象 greek_female_peasant希腊公民 greek_generals_guard_cavalry精锐将军卫队 greek_generals_guard_cavalry_early将军卫队 greek_heavy_cavalry马其顿骑兵 greek_heavy_onagers巨型石弩 greek_heavy_peltast重装标枪兵 greek_hoplite希腊步兵 greek_hoplite_elite希腊重步兵 greek_hoplite_militia希腊民兵 greek_hoplite_spartan斯巴达重步兵 greek_legionary银盾步兵 greek_levy_pikemen应征长枪兵 greek_medium_cavalry希腊骑兵 greek_onagers石弩 greek_peasant农民 greek_peltast标枪兵 greek_pigs火猪 greek_pikemen方阵长枪兵 greek_royal_cavalry皇家骑兵 greek_royal_pikemen马其顿皇家长枪兵 greek_scythed_chariots卷镰战车 greek_silver_shields银盾长枪兵 greek-Light_lancer马其顿轻骑兵 head_hunting_maidens_scythian西徐亚女猎骑 judean_zealots犹太狂热份子 merc_arab_cavalry阿拉伯雇佣骑兵 merc_balearic_slingers巴利阿里投石兵 merc_barbarian_cavalry蛮族雇佣骑兵 merc_barbarian_infantry蛮族佣兵 merc_bastarnae巴斯塔奈佣兵 merc_bedouin贝多因骆驼轻骑兵 merc_bedouin_archers贝多因骆驼弓骑兵 merc_cilician_pirate西里西亚海盗 merc_cretan_archers克里特弓箭手 merc_eastern_infantry东方佣兵 merc_elephants雇佣战象 merc_greek_hoplites雇佣长枪兵 merc_horse_archers西徐亚雇佣弓骑兵 merc_illyrian伊利里亚佣兵 merc_libyan_infantry利比亚佣兵 merc_numidian_cavalry努米底亚雇佣骑兵 merc_peltast雇佣标枪兵 merc_rhodian_slingers罗德斯投石兵 merc_samnite萨莫奈佣兵 merc_sarmatian_cavalry萨尔马提亚雇佣骑兵 merc_spanish_infantry西班牙佣兵 merc_thracian色雷斯佣兵 naked_fanatics_dacian达西亚狂热战士 naked_fanatics_gaul高卢狂热战士 naked_fanatics_german日耳曼狂热战士 naked_fanatics_slave叛军狂热战士 naked_fanatics_spain西班牙狂热战士 naval_bireme双列战船 naval_boats战船 naval_corvus天鸦舰 naval_decere七列战船 naval_large_boats大型战船 naval_pirates海盗船 naval_quinquireme五列战船 naval_trireme三列战船 night_raiders_german日耳曼夜袭团 numidian_camel_riders努米底亚骆驼骑兵 numidian_cavalry努米底亚标枪骑兵 numidian_desert_warriors沙漠步兵 numidian_javelinmen努米底亚标枪兵 numidian_legionaries努米底亚步兵 roman_arcani神隐突击团 roman_archer罗马弓箭兵 roman_archer_auxillia罗马辅助弓箭兵 roman_ballista弩炮 roman_cavalry_auxillia罗马辅助骑兵 roman_city_militia城镇民兵 roman_civ_peasant罗马公民 roman_female_peasant罗马公民 roman_generals_guard_cavalry罗马精锐将军卫队 roman_generals_guard_cavalry_early罗马将军卫队 roman_hastati罗马青年军 roman_heavy_cavalry罗马军团骑兵 roman_heavy_onager巨型石弩 roman_incendiary_pigs火猪 roman_infantry_auxillia罗马辅助步兵 roman_legionary_cohort_i早期罗马军团步兵 roman_legionary_cohort_ii罗马军团步兵 roman_legionary_first_cohort_i早期罗马鹰旗步兵 roman_legionary_first_cohort_ii罗马鹰旗步兵 roman_light_cavalry罗马轻骑兵 roman_light_infantry罗马辅助轻步兵 roman_medium_cavalry罗马骑兵 roman_mirmillo_gladiator米尔麦罗角斗士 roman_onager石弩 roman_peasant农民 roman_praetorian_cavalry罗马禁卫骑兵 roman_praetorian_cohort_i罗马禁卫军 roman_praetorian_cohort_urban_i罗马精锐戍卫军团 roman_principes罗马重步兵 roman_repeating_ballistae连弩炮 roman_samnite_gladiator萨莫奈角斗士 roman_scorpion蝎弩 roman_triarii罗马精锐步兵 roman_velite罗马轻步兵 roman_velite_gladiator维赖特角斗士 roman_wardogs战獒 screeching_women_german日耳曼女战士 scutarii盾牌兵 scythian_noble_women_scythian西徐亚贵族女骑兵 scythian_nobles_scythian西徐亚贵族骑兵 thracian_generals_guard_cavalry精锐将军卫队 thracian_generals_guard_cavalry_early将军卫队 warband_archer_dacian精锐弓箭手 warband_archer_german精锐弓箭手 warband_archer_scythian精锐弓箭手 warband_axe_german日耳曼斧头兵 warband_axe_scythian西徐亚斧头兵 warband_dhaxe_german日耳曼精锐斧头兵 warband_falx_dacian达西亚长刀兵 warband_falx_thracian色雷斯长刀兵 warband_huntsman_gaul森林猎手 warband_hurler_briton掷头兵 warband_spear_german日耳曼长枪兵 warband_sword_briton不列颠武士 warband_sword_gaul高卢武士 warband_woad_briton不列颠图腾战士

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