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夜愿的bye bye beautiful的MV和歌词表达什么意思

作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-07-30 14:24:42浏览:9分类:歌词大全

夜愿的bye bye beautiful的MV和歌词表达什么意思

Bye bye beautiful

Finally the hills are without eyes最终山丘不被注视

They are tired of painting a dead man's face red疲于绘画亡者的红脸

With their own blood以他们的血液

They used to love having so much to lose他们过去常喜欢失去如此之多

Blink your eyes just once and see everything in ruins眨眼间看见一切于毁灭中

Did you ever hear what I told you你可曾聆听过我的劝说

Did you ever read what I wrote you你可曾阅读过我的寄语

Did you ever listen to what we played你可曾听到过我们的演奏

Did you ever let in what the world said你可曾在意世界的诉说

Did we get this far just to feel your hate我们曾为了感受到你的恨而远行

Did we play to become only pawns in the game我们的表演可曾变成赌注

How blind can you be, don't you see你有多盲目,你不明白吗

You chose the long road but we'll be waiting你选择了漫长的道路而我们将会等待

Bye bye beautiful再见美丽

Jacob's ghost for the girl in white面向白衣女孩的雅各之灵

Blindfold for the blind盲人的莽撞

Dead siblings walking the dying earth死去的手足正行走于死亡的道路

Noose around a choking heart缠绕窒息心灵的绳套

Eternity torn apart永恒地分离

Slow toll now the funeral bells缓慢地敲响丧钟

"I need to die to feel alive"我需要以死来感受存在

Did you ever hear what I told you你可曾聆听过我的劝说

Did you ever read what I wrote you你可曾阅读过我的寄语

Did you ever listen to what we played你可曾听到过我们的演奏

Did you ever let in what the world said你可曾在意世界的诉说

Did we get this far just to feel your hate我们曾为了感受到你的恨而远行

Did we play to become only pawns in the game我们的表演可曾变成赌注

How blind can you be, don't you see你有多盲目,你不明白吗

You chose the long road but we'll be waiting你选择了漫长的道路而我们将会等待

Bye bye beautiful再见美丽

It's not the tree that forsakes the flower这不是树木背叛了花朵

But the flower that forsakes the tree而是花朵抛弃了树木

Someday I'll learn to love these scars有一天我会学会爱上这些伤疤

Still fresh from the red-hot blade of your words依然在你话语的伤痛后鲜血淋漓

...How blind can you be, don't you see...你有多盲目,你不知道吗

...that the gambler lost all he does not have...赌徒最后失去未曾拥有之物

Did you ever hear what I told you你可曾聆听过我的劝说

Did you ever read what I wrote you你可曾阅读过我的寄语

Did you ever listen to what we played你可曾听到过我们的演奏

Did you ever let in what the world said你可曾在意世界的诉说

Did we get this far just to feel your hate我们曾为了感受到你的恨而远行

Did we play to become only pawns in the game我们的表演可曾变成赌注

How blind can you be, don't you see你有多盲目,你不明白吗

You chose the long road but we'll be waiting你选择了漫长的道路而我们将会等待

Bye bye beautiful再见美丽


注:{雅各}以色列民族的族长之一,以色列王国传说中的建国者,为以撒 Issac和利百加 Rebecca所生的双胞胎中的弟弟,其兄为以扫 Esau(《圣经》创世纪25-60)。

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