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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-07-31 22:56:28浏览:5分类:文字大全




 Chrono Cross

 Time travel


 穿越时空的爱情 Love through time and space

 我能穿越时空 I Travel Through Time


 1. She felt herself transcending time and space.


 2. In my mind's eye my eyes ached to divert.


 3. Indeed, a journey through Cairo is a journey through time.

 的的确确, 穿越开罗的旅行就是一次穿越时空的旅程.

 4. Tupper - primitive life can take you through and space, into the tribal life!

 百乐 - 原始生活能够带您穿越时空, 走进部落的生活!

 5. Then please, and I crossed the tunnel space bar!


 6. Nemesis emerges from the time warp.


 7. I travel through time.


 8. That day will come, when our songs cross the time and space and go everlasting.


 9. I travel through time, I can't control it. It just happens, I wish I didn't.

 我能穿越时空, 但是却不能掌控它. 我就是能穿越时候, 可是我多么希望做个平凡人.

 10. When I wake, we appear to have passed through a space - time continuum and landed on Mars.

 当我醒来的时候, 我们似乎已经穿越时空隧道降落在火星上.

 11. They any weight, so their speed is faster than light, which means they can time travel.

 因为它们本身没有重量所以它们的速度超过了光速, 也就是说,它们可以穿越时空.

 12. Taste and combined with series of grass billion let us pass through time sharing of wisdom.


 13. We are not this story's author, who fills time and eternity with his purpose.

 我们不是这个 故事 的作者, 是杰斐逊作者本人的伟大理想穿越时空并通过我们每天的努力在变为现实.

 14. He is a people have come from ancient times, through time and space to the modern.

 ?他是一个从古代来的人, 穿越时空来到现代?用英语怎么说?

 15. I travel through time, I can't control it . It just happens, I wish it didn't.

 我能穿越时空, 这是我无法控制的, 它说发生就发生了, 我倒希望我不能.


 The idea of time travel is fascinating and interesting. And certainly, the newer ideas about how the university system constructed, raised the possibility that more dimensions than the 3-dimesions of space and one dimesion of time that we used to hear in the university exist.


 The ideas that are often used in fiction where you travel faster than the speed of light in order to change the past. For example at the end of superman 1, superman whizzes around the planet earth, because he is shocked that the Louis Lane's just died. In the great earthquake caused by nuclear explosion when Lex Lothor detonates something.

 科幻小说中最常见的观点就是,当一个人的速度超越光速,他就能穿越时空改变过去。例如在《超人》1的结尾,超人不敢相信Louis Lane因核爆炸引发的地震而死去,他绕着地球飞行。

 He breaks the light barrier, travels faster than the speed of light, and then the earth starts go backwards, all of a sudden, Lois Lane rises from the dead.

 他打破了光的束缚,超越了光速,接着时空倒转,Louis Lane又活了过来。

 The fanciful ideas of travelling backwards through time by moving faster than the speed of light. Simply, mathematically don't work.


 Michael J.Fox put plutonium in his lorry and he rocked back the time while plutonium does not have the enough energy to drive the time machine. To energize a time machine, to bend time into a presser, to punch a hole in the fabricated space and time would require the energy of the star. One version of a time machine uses what's called a wormhole. Think of a looking glass in Alice Wonderland. That looking glass is the wormhole. What happens if you go back in time, and kill your parents before you're born. Well, if you kill your parents before you are born, how could you be born because you just kill your parents before you're born. If you go back within time, and you saved Abram Lincon from being assasinated, you would have essentially saved somebody else's Abram Lincon, your Aram Lincon died. If you change the fabricated time, you are changing another parallel universe. These people are genetically identical to the people of your past. But they're different.

 Michael J.Fox将钚元素放入车中,结果扭曲了时间,因为钚并没有足够的能量驾驭时间机器。时间机器需要能量来将时间压缩成环状,在重组的时空中创造一个时空洞,而这需要来自恒星的能量。影视作品中有一个版本的时间机器运用了虫洞的能量。《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中的镜子就是虫洞。另外,如果你回到过去,杀死还没有生孩子的你的父母。也就是说,你杀死了还没有生你时你的父母,那么你又怎么会存在呢,因为你的父母在生你前就已经死了。而如果你穿越时空,解救了被刺杀的林肯,实际上,你解救的林肯将不再是未来世界中的?林肯?,而在你未来时空中的?林肯?还是死了的。如果你改变了过去的时空,你就改变了未来的平行世界。在这个平行世界中的人们和你的过去世界中的人看似一模一样,但实际上他们是不同的。

 If I can go back any time in past to see any event, I think I will go back in the past about 3.5 billion years ago, to witness the creation of first molecules of life. I would like to go back to the time that the earth formed, that our sun formed and see how it was, and what exactly was the process that made it possible for our sun to collect together, and force of gravity in all that space dusts and gas coming together to form a star. When people aske: Is time travel just a philosophical structure or hypothetic or mathimatically show. The answer is it's a combination of them all.



1. 穿越用英语怎么说

2. 背景音乐用英文怎么说

3. 穿上的英文是什么

4. 传承的英语怎么说

5. 理念用英语怎么说

1、年份用英语表示为:Particular year。

2、如果年份是四位数字,就从中间分开,两位两位说,如:1896,eighteen and ninety six?;1856,eighteen and fifty-six 。

3、如果三位以下可以直接读出,如776,seven handred and seventy-six ,公元为A.D.,公元前为B.C.?

4、A.D. 应该写在年数之前, B.C. 应该写在年数之后, 如: from 300 B.C. to A.D. 400 由公元前三百年到公元四百年。

Particular year

1、We were chosen along with three other plays as best representing high school theater that particular year.?


2、Want to notice different a particular year uses a book to differ likely also nevertheless.


3、For example the context will be built using who the query was executed by, which cube was queried, which particular year was used for filtering, etc.?


4、DateMidnight: This class encapsulates the instant of a particular year/ month/ day at midnight in some time zone ( usually the default time zone).?


5、The universe itself only came into being for Tess on the particular day in the particular year in which she was born.?


6、There's no longer a particular year in which one goes to school or goes to work or gets married or starts a family.?


7、The chance of a flood of a certain level occurring is usually referred to in terms of the likelihood of that level being exceeded in a particular year, or Annual Exceedance Probability ( AEP).?


8、We tracked the proportion of migrants whose destination was the United States, out of all migrants observed during a particular calendar year, covering the period from 1990 to 2012.?


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