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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-08-03 05:49:08浏览:9分类:文字大全



Once upon a time there lived a King who had several beautiful daughters, but the youngest was even more beautiful than the rest.

Near the castle of this King was a large and gloomy forest. Just a short walk into the trees was a small clearing. At the far side stood an old lime tree, and beneath its branches splashed a fountain in the middle of a dark, deep pool.

Whenever it was very hot, the King's youngest daughter would run of into this wood and sit by the pool, throwing her golden ball into the air. This was her favourite pastime.

One afternoon when the Princess threw the ball high up in the air, she didn't catch it! It slipped through her fingers onto the grass. Then it rolled past her into the pool and disappeared beneath the water.

The Princess peered into the pool, but her precious ball was gone. Quickly, she plunged her arms into the pool as far as she could reach, but she could feel nothing except weeds and water lilies. Some people said the pool was so deep, it had no bottom. So when the Princess realised her golden ball was gone forever, she began to cry. "Come back to me this minute, golden ball," sobbed the Princess, staring into the water.

Now as a rule, Princesses are used to getting their own way. So after her golden ball didn't magically pop up out of the water, she started to howl even louder. Dear, oh dear! First she stamped her feet and then she threw herself down on the grass in temper.

The Princess was making so much noise that she didn't notice a big green frog stick his head out of the water and jump onto the grass beside her. "Don't cry, beautiful Princess," croaked the frog. " I saw your golden ball fall into the water, and it will be my pleasure to dive down and get it for you, if you will give me something in return.

At this, the Princess cheered up. " I will gladly give you my jewels and pearls, even my golden crown, if you will bring back my golden ball." It is true to say that promises should never be made in a hurry, even by Princesses, because a promise is a thing that must be kept, especially to frogs!"

The frog hopped nearer to the Princess. "Pearls and jewels and golden crowns are no use to me," he went on, "but if you'll love me and be my friend, if you'll let me eat from your golden plate, drink from your golden cup, and sleep on your golden bed, I will dive down and fetch your ball."

So eager was the Princess to see her golden ball once more, that she didn't listen too carefully to what the frog had to say.

"I promise you all you ask, if only you will bring my ball," she said.

Quickly as a flash, the frog jumped into the pool then bobbed up again with the ball in his mouth. Straight away the King's daughter snatched her ball and ran back to the castle.

"Take me with you," cried the frog. "I cannot run as fast as you and I shall be left behind."

But the Princess didn't care about her promise and soon forgot all about the frog. Later that day, when the Princess was sitting at the table, something was heard coming up the marble stairs. Splish, splosh, splish splosh! The sound came nearer and nearer, and a voice cried, "Let me in, youngest daughter of the King."

The Princess jumped up to see who had called her. Now when she caught sight of the frog, she turned very pale.

"What does a frog want with you?" demanded the King, looking rather surprised.

The Princess hung her head. "When I was sitting by the fountain my golden ball fell into the water. This frog fetched it back for me, because I cried so much." The Princess started to cry again. "I promised to love him and let him eat from my golden plate, drink from my golden cup, and sleep on my golden bed."

The King looked at the frog and thought for a while before he spoke. "Then you must keep your promise, my daughter."

The Princess knew she must obey, so she let the frog to come inside. The frog hopped in after her and jumped up into her chair and straight onto the table. "Now push your golden plate near me." said the frog, "so that we may eat together." As she did so, the frog leapt onto her plate and ate up all her dinner, which was just as well, because the Princess didn't feel much like eating.

Next, the frog drank from her little golden cup until it was quite empty. Somehow the Princess didn't feel at all thirsty either! After the frog had finished, he took one great leap and landed on the Princess's knee. "Go away you ugly, cold frog!" she screamed. "I will never let you sleep on my lovely, clean bed!"

The made the King very angry. "This frog helped you when you needed it. Now you must keep your promise to him."

"I am very tired after that wonderful meal," the frog said, "and you did promise that I could go to sleep on your golden bed."

Very unwillingly the Princess picked up the frog and carried him upstairs to her room.

When the frog hopped into the middle of her golden bed, it was just too much for the Princess. She pushed the frog hard and it fell onto the floor.

As he fell he was changed into a handsome Prince. A spell had been cast on him by an evil witch and only the Princess had the power to break it.

The Princess was speechless. She felt very sorry indeed that she had been so unkind to the frog.

After a while, the handsome Prince and the Princess were married, and lived happily ever after.


从朱莉的视角讲述了他们一家到布莱斯家做客吃晚餐的过程,两家人聚在一起相处了几个小时。朱莉就感觉到布莱斯一家紧张的气氛,只有Mrs.Loski是诚心邀请他们的。晚宴结束回自己家后,哥哥们都觉得自己的家庭环境更好。Matt说,"No way.I'm sticking with my main man here".父亲听后噙满了泪水,这是朱莉第一次看到父亲哭。朱莉的父亲一度认为Mr.Loski比他给予孩子们的好很多,因为一直照顾智障弟弟,导致经济能力有限,没能更好的分担家庭责任。但是孩子们最终更乐意选择和自己在一起。这也间接说明,物质条件是外在的,对于孩子们来说,父亲给予的爱和对孩子的关心高于一切,从心里了解理解自己的孩子。朱莉与布莱斯最大的差别在于有一个好父亲。在Mr.Loski眼里,他是整个家庭的权威,如果有事情导致家里吵架,那也绝对不是他去道歉。相反,如果孩子们因为说了什么话顶撞到了他,他甚至会歇斯底里的生气。他们家虽然光鲜亮丽,其实只是努力维持的表象,一旦发生什么矛盾,那除了无休止的争吵外,什么都不会有。



She seemed a little certain,but in a happy way.她似乎有点确定,但很开心。

My dad was looking amused, although he was very reserved about it, and it took me until the end of the song to realize that he was proud.Proud that this noise came from his boys.我爸爸看起来很开心,尽管他对此很矜持,直到歌曲结束我才意识到他很自豪。很骄傲这声音是他儿子发出来的。


I went to bed that night feeling very full and very happy.And as I lay there in the dark,I wondered at how much emotion can go into any given day, and thought how nice it was to feel this way at the end of it.And as I nestled in and drifted off to sleep, my heart felt wonderfully... free.?那天晚上,我感到很饱,很开心。当我躺在黑暗中,我不知道每一天都能融入多少情感,我想到最后能有这种感觉是多么美好。当我慢慢入睡时,我的心好极了...无拘无束。

The next morning I still felt good.I went outside and sprinkled the yard, enjoying the splish and patter of water on soil,wondering when, when that first little blade of grass would spring up into the sunshine.第二天早上我仍然感觉很好。我走到外面,在院子里洒水,享受着溅在土壤上的水花,想着何时,何时第一片小草会在阳光下生长。


give a small gasp稍微喘口气

mike practically sprayed his milk迈克几乎把牛奶都喷出来了

She?had?very?pretty?straight?teeth. 她有非常漂亮整齐的牙齿。

Her Teeth Perfectly Straight 她牙齿笔直

his teeth was white and straight他的牙齿又白又整齐

I could feel my cheeks flush with anger我觉得自己的脸都气红了

he had a point他有一定的道理

when that topic was all dried up?当那个话题都没有了的时候

my father didn't take it that way我父亲不是那样认为的

I was afraid of what might happen next我担心接下来会发生什么

he was making it up他是在说谎

she had quite a bit of makeup on,?她化了一点妆

She had a lot of?makeup?on?and not a hair out of place.她浓妆艳抹,衣冠楚楚。


No way I'd go there.我绝对不会去那里

no way决不;一点也不

come down on?somebody?斥责,惩罚;索取;宣布支持 (某一方)

phrasal verb

朗文解释:to punish someone or criticize them severely

原文:did she come down on papa bear or what

例:I?cancome?down?onthe?price?a little,?if?that's what?you want.


Show restraint?体现克制

Not that I'd want him as my dad我可不想让他当我爸

朗文解释:not that ...used before a sentence or phrase to mean the opposite of what follows it, and to make the previous sentence seem less important?Sarah has a new boyfriend –?not that I care?(=I do not care).?Janice had lost some weight,?not that it mattered?(=it did not matter).→ ?not 并非;并不是说

peter out逐渐消失;逐渐减少

a ridiculous suggestion 可笑的意见

Sneak a peek at it 偷看

there were definitely tears welling up in his eyes他的眼里肯定噙满了泪水

well up涌出;流露;萌发

I took a step away from him.我离他远了一步

take a step迈出一步;采取措施

away from远离,离开;避开痛苦

catch on to doing/sth理解,突然了解

朗文解释:1?to become? popular ?and? fashionable

例句: The idea of glasses being a fashion item has been slow to catch on.

2?to begin to? understand ?or? realize ?something to

例: It was a long time before the police caught on to what he was really doing.

rule out 排除;取消;划去;反对;阻止

rule?something/somebody ?out?phrasal?verb


1?to? decide ?that something is not? possible ?or? suitable

例:The police have ruled out suicide.?

She has refused to?rule out the possibility?of singing again.

2?to make it? impossible ?for something to happen

例: The mountainous terrain rules out most forms of agriculture.

3?to? state ?that someone will not be? able ?to take part in a? sports ? event ?of

例:He has been ruled out of the match with a knee injury.

in a desperate attempt to?最后一搏,不顾一起


block?somebody/something ?in? phrasal verb

1?to? park ?your car too close to another car, so that the other one cannot drive away把你的车停得离另一辆车太近,这样另一辆车就开不了了。

2?to? paint ?or? draw ? simple ? shapes ?or areas of? colour 草拟,画草图

I’ll just block in the main buildings.

block?somebody/something ?from 阻止

原文:in a desperate attempt to block Bryce from my mind 不顾一起不让布莱斯出现在我的脑海里

freeze up?冻结;怯场

?phrasal verb

1?if a? machine , engine , or? pipe ? freezes ?up, the? liquid ? inside ?becomes? solid ?with? cold ?so that it does not work properly?SYN?freeze?(计算机屏幕因系统故障)被暂时锁定

2?to suddenly be? unable ?to speak or act normally?突然不能正常说话或行动

例: I wouldn’t know what to say. I’d just freeze up.

原文:freeze up my brain

make a joke (out) of something

朗文解释:to? treat ?something? serious ?as if it was? intended ?to be? funny

例:He could not bring himself to apologise. Instead, he tried to make a joke of it.

原文:he make a joke about me being a retard.

now or never?勿失良机,机不可失;把握现在,时不再来

朗文解释:it’s now or never used to say that if someone? does ?not do something now, they will not get another? chance ?to do it

例:Quite suddenly, her mind was made up. It was now or never.

lose it 一个人咬牙切齿地说lose it 表示 我太生气了这里的it 其实是理智

朗文解释:spoken?informal a)?to become very? angry ?and? upset

例:She completely lost it with one of the kids in class.

英文:I lost it.I spun on him

b)?(also?lose the plot)?to become? crazy ?or? confused 变得疯狂或困惑

例: I could see people thinking I’d totally lost the plot.

answer the door?应门,去开门(迎客)

make fun of sb取笑某人

go through the motions (of doing something)走过场;装样子

朗文解释:to do something because you have to do it, without being very interested in it?

例:I feel so bored at work, like I’m just going through the motions.

get through it

get through sth通过;到达;做完;接通电话;度过,熬过(困难时期等)

make a stand for捍卫..., 为...辩护

with every intention of?一心要

with the intention of 为了 ; 意图 ; 的意图 ; 意向

with the best of intention 出于一片好心 ; 好心好意

with the special intention of 特意

with?our good intentions 好意

look forward to something(介词to 不可替换)期望做某事 ; 期待做某事 ; 期待

朗文解释:to be? excited ?and? pleased ?about something that is going to? happen

例:I’m really looking forward to our vacation.

look forward to doing something?

例:My mother says she’s looking forward to meeting you.

humming over pie recipes 哼唱着馅饼食谱



hatred of?对……的憎恶/仇恨



whisk 拂,掸;搅动;挥动;迅速带走


原文:I overheard you and Garrett in the library.

sheepish懦弱的 ; 胆怯的 ; 窘迫的


tinkled a little dinner bell?

Tinkle Bell叮当铃




I barely was myself我不再是我自己

barely?adv. 勉强才能;几乎不,几乎没有;刚刚;仅仅,只有;贫乏地,光秃秃

The water had barely come to a simmer when she cracked four eggs into it.水刚开她就打了4个鸡蛋进去

reason推理,逻辑思考;推论出,推断出(reason sth. out);对(某人)以理相劝,劝告(reason with)

原文:I reasoned, continuing our discussion would drive him away.我推断,继续我们的讨论会把他赶走的



原文:his dad seemed kind of smug.


原文:your sarcasm is not appreciated?你的讽刺是不受欢迎的


原文:Mrs. Loskis was keeping a smile perched on her face, but she was blinking a lot, glancing nervously around the table洛斯基太太脸上挂着微笑,但她不停地眨眼睛,紧张地扫视着桌子四周



原文:songs blaring through the speakers.



原文:Matt gave my dad a slap on the back?马特在我爸爸背上拍了一下

you've spoiled these birds 你把这些鸟宠坏了




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