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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-08-04 02:40:34浏览:10分类:文字大全




在英语中,动词“speak”是使用最广泛、最重要的动词之一,用于表达说话或讲话的行为。它可以作为及物动词或不及物动词使用,例如:“She spoke to me on the phone”(她在电话上和我讲话),或者“The teacher spoke for an hour”(老师讲话了一个小时)。


1、She spoke about her experiences living in another country.


2、Please speak clearly and slowly so that everyone can understand you.


3、He spoke in favor of the proposal, but his tone suggested otherwise.


4、They spoke with one voice, saying they supported the new plan.


5、She spoke out against the injustice, calling for change and equality.


suggest的用法英语学习 2009-07-21 21:38 阅读2172 评论0 字号: 大大 中中 小小 suggest 是个及物动词,后面可以跟名词、代词、动名词或从句作它的宾语。各种试题对 suggest 的考查通常涉及到它的非谓语动词形式、宾语从句及宾语从句的虚拟语气等方面。

考点一、 suggest 作“间接表明;建议;使想起”解时,后面可以跟名词、代词或动名词做宾语 ① suggest sth.表明,建议 That girl's sun-tanned face suggests excellent health.那个姑娘被太阳晒黑了的脸表明她身体非常健康。Mr. Smith suggested a way out of the difficulty to her.史密斯先生向她提出了一个克服困难的办法。② suggest doing sth Tom suggested selling the house but Ann was against it. 汤姆建议把房子卖了,但安不同意。错点一 误用不定式作宾语

要表示汉语的“建议做某事”,英语通常用 suggest doing sth,而不能用 suggest to do sth。如:


正:He suggested going by plane, but I thought it would cost too much.

误:He suggested to go by plane, but I thought it would cost too much. ③ suggest sb’s doing sthI have written him a letter and suggested his sending it to the Ministry of Culture.我给他写了一封信,并建议他把它寄给文化部。④ suggest sth to sb(错误:suggest sb to do或suggest sb sth) 考点二、 suggest后面的宾语从句要不要用虚拟语气,由它的意思决定: 作“建议”解,宾语从句中的谓语动词用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用“( should )动词原形”。 ① Almost all his friends suggested that he visit Mr. Johnson at once.  ② ----The experiment has failed! ----I suggest you try again. 句式一、 It's suggested that…… (有人建议……)例如:  ① It's suggested that we ( should ) put on a short play at the party.有人建议我们在晚会上演一个短剧。  ② It has been suggested that Robert should go to Chicago and try to find a job there. 有人建议罗伯特到芝加哥去,设法在那里找个工作。  句式二、 What ( All that ) sb. suggests is that…… (某人建议的是……)  ① What I suggest is that we visit a class right away.我的建议是我们马上去听课。  ② What she suggested was that the clinic should make better use of those herbs. 她建议医疗站更好地利用那些草药。suggest 作“表明、说明、暗示、指出”解,后面的that 宾语从句的谓语动词用陈述语气。 ① He often came to the theater, but his attitude suggested he was not really interested in the play. ② Jane's pale face suggested that she was ill, and her parents suggested that she have a medical examination.  第一个 suggested 作“表明、说明”解,所以其后的宾语从句的谓语动词用陈述语气;第二个 suggested 的意思是“建议”,所以其后的宾语从句的谓语动词用虚拟语气,其中的 should 被省略了。考点三、名词 suggestion 的用法与其词根动词用法相似。 按英语习惯,suggest的派生名词suggestion也具有与其词根动词相似的用法,suggestion 作“建议”解,后面跟同位语从句时,以及 suggestion 用作主语,后面跟表语从句时,从句中的谓语动词均用虚拟语气。  ① My suggestion is that the work should be started at once.我的建议是立即动工。  ② The monitor's suggestion that she should come another day has not been accepted. 班长提出的她改天来的建议还是没有被接受。

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