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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-08-04 07:00:58浏览:9分类:情话语录


What is fashionable?

70s from the 20th century bell-bottoms of the PUNK installed, to 80 during the first wave of explosions stopped; the BP from the 90's Big Brother Machine, the new millennium, the IPOD, MP4, the trend with each passing day, new forms and styles, the irresistible tide of the times . Taiwan stretching from Paris to Milan conference renovation tricks always faster than the speed of paying out of pocket, even the air waves of the beach-goers who are always there before the waves die on the dangers of the beach, who can predict the direction of the trend of the next quarter?

Have, how many children NIKE refused to leave the counter for a long time ago, and how many children voted to go to the store ADIDAS eyes歆羡. When innovation becomes plagiarism, when the unique into vulgar, Chidori grid, snow boots, these times and then become the favorite flower of yesterday was all the rage, are crammed into the closet never forgotten.

If the trend of blind obedience, must be discarded by the tide.

However, time to witness the timeless classic, Bubbery of plaid, GUCCI double the G LOGO, the trend in a large boiling-day anti-profit, they insist, stick, do not know how flexible it is, but the cloud of dust through the years, Zoran and legislation The rolling tide of the times, and still his strength of character for centuries.

Classic has become a classic in its personality on the accuracy of self-awareness and self-control of the firm. Best suited to their own, at times, then a little bit out of the wave is the most.

Out of date, known as "Out Man", the fashionable people were very much praise for the "In". So I thought, in between the In and Out, How to define what a standard. Perhaps the trend of the times is not just appearance, but more related to the internal update. In at the end, uphold justice told Cao Cao and Guan Yu: "You're out of date." The audience also remembered with a smile of deep thought-provoking. In my view, the real influx of people should always keep a keen insight into the state of mind, ready to grasp the current mainstream, some profound self-awareness sober. Rather than slavishly following, but去粗取精reference, just as a strong-minded from a loss of sub-racks to a unique style of their own to maintain the essence of a leap. The most important thing is, please retain a grateful heart. Because the soul of love lost and numb, real outdated.

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga是签约美国Akon品牌旗下的艺人,原名Joanne Stefani Germanotta,1986年出生于纽约的Yonkers,其艺名“Lady Gaga”就是由皇后乐队的一首大热歌曲《Radio Gaga》的谐音而来。Gaga由来其风格明显受到经典华丽摇滚歌手如Queen、David Bowie和1980年代POP歌手如Madonna和Michael Jackson影响。Lady GaGa不仅有一流的声线,更是是个超有个性的创作酷妹,是2008美国流行音乐新晋“舞后”,也被称为红翻全球嘻哈彗星阿肯 (Akon) 自创厂牌 Kon Live 旗下的“秘密武器”。Lady Gaga 的风格一时一变,常变常新,唯一不变的是戏剧化,曾经一段时间是三角连体裤+蝴蝶结发型+未来派太阳镜;最近则是樱桃小嘴+千鸟格纹伞。她代言的品牌有M.A.C VIVI GLAM 唇膏、Heart Beats.by.dr.dre魔声耳机等。


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