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会DOTA的英语高手帮个忙 100分

作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-08-04 09:43:07浏览:10分类:情话语录

会DOTA的英语高手帮个忙 100分

What is your name/nick? 你得名字/昵称

Weapon of choice? 你会选择什么武器?

A small gun 小抢小炮

A huge sword 大刀大剑

My fists 赤手空拳

An ancient spellbook 古代魔法书

In DotA, what item do you usually get first? dota里你经常买什么出门?

Circlet 贵族头环

Ring of Regeneration 回复指环

Clarities/Tangos/That blue bottle 各种吃喝(清醒/吃树/罐子)

Boots 草鞋

None of the above! 都不是!

Your town is being attacked by rabid bunnies. you:你老家被猛攻时你会:

Run for your life 跑路保命

Have a barbecue 悠闲观战(直译是“吃烧烤”)

Return to headquarters to plan your defense 回老家防守

Slaughter them all! 狂干敌人!!

Shake a stick at them 引开敌军(直译是引起他们注意)

How are you built? 你长啥模样?

Skinny 细皮嫩肉

Average 大众化水平

Chunky 矮胖敦实

A huge lard 大肥猪

Ripped 这个不知道什么意思

Lanky 瘦高

Who is your biggest enemy? dota里你最大的敌人是?

Enchantress lina

Anti-Mage 敌法

Naix 食尸鬼


One word to best describe you? 用一个词形容你

Helpful 爱帮助别人

Smart 聪明

Greedy 贪婪

Cunning 狡猾

Shady 孤僻

Bored 急躁

In DotA, if you were Chen, what skill would you max out first?


Penitence 赎罪

Test of Faith 忠诚考验

Holy Persuasion 劝化

You're a king of some medieval kingdom, but one of your villages is riotting because of the current taxes, you:


Kill them all! 全杀光

Take their money... then kill them all! 洗劫后再杀光

Lower taxes, suffer lower income 降低收税

Make an example of some, then raise the taxes 杀鸡儆猴,再提高税收

Find a way to make them happy without lowering taxes 想法子哄他们高兴,不减税

In DotA, do you deny creeps? dota里你是否打野?

Sometimes 偶尔打

Whenever possible 能打就打(森林小王子)

It's a waste of time 不打,浪费时间

In a battle, you would: 一盘比赛中你会:

Help out your friends 时刻帮助队友

Be prepared with the best armor and weapons 准备打后期出神装

Look for and destroy the enemy leader 单杀

In a DotA match, if you had to pick from this list, who would you choose to play? 正式比赛要你选英雄,你会选:

Clinkz: Bone Fletcher 骨头弓

Azgalor: Pit Lord: 大屁股

Darchow: Enigma 谜团

Traxex: Drow Ranger 黑工

Nortrom: Silencer 沉默术士

Demnok: Warlock 术士


You're an office manager at some big company; generally you want your workers to: 你是大公司办公室主任,你让属下:

Work at their own pace 各干各的,随意些

Work, work, work 一直干干干

Have a say and express their opinions 发表自己看法和意见

Be replaced by outsourced cheaper workers 被报酬更低的员工取缔

I wouldn't work at an office! 我他妈才不在办公室工作呢

What activity is most appealing to you? 那个活动引起你兴趣?

Working 工作

Sleeping 睡觉

Eating 吃

Pulling pranks on others捉弄别人

Playing DotA 打dota

Stealing $$$ 偷钱

Of these three, what is your favorite color? 这三个颜色你最喜欢

Blue 蓝

Orange 橙

Green 绿

Choose one of the sentences that best describe you. 选出最能描述你的句子

I am usually on time for things 我从不错过什么

I tend to lie more than I should 我说谎说得有些多

Everything I do is perfect 我追求完美

I'm always on time 从不迟到

I like to be the one in control 我有自控能力


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