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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-08-05 01:55:56浏览:10分类:歌词大全


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mika 的toy boy 歌词

i guess i Fell in love with a Toy soldier 我想,我爱上了一个玩具士兵

You told me that ill love would keep marching on t他和我说这种扭曲的爱会一直向前

your right , Your right 你说的对,很对

You told me that our love was mighty strong 你跟我说我们的爱是如此强烈

Aright , Alright 好吧,确实是这样

and yes i believed you cause you are my baby 是的,我相信你,因为你是我的挚爱

Why would i doubt you when you said you love me 为什么当你说你爱我的时候,我还要怀疑你

But i didnt know you were the enemy 尽管我还不知道你是我的敌人

The only one who made me cry , Is you 只唯一一个人能让我哭,那就是你

and the only one i had to fight , is you 唯一一个我必须反抗的人,也是你

And it was you who told me是你,没错就是你允诺我的

He said i will never have to fight again 他说我没必要再反抗

he said i will never have to cry again他说我也没必要再哭

He say , been to the battle field and my heart is safe with him他说,他在爱情战场凯旋而归,你的心将于我尘埃落定

All my trust i'll give it to him 我会给他十足的信任

So i guess i fell in love with a toy soldier 所以啊,我猜我可能爱上了一个玩具士兵

by eelipse

Told me that you'll take care of me , You lied You Lied 你告诉过我你会照顾我,可是你却在撒谎

you Told me that you was the best for me , You lied You lied 你对我说你是对我最最最好的人,可是你是在撒谎

Cause you came up empty i feel like you tricked me 因为你开给我的空头支票,让我觉得你把我耍得团团转

Everything you said youll give me you couldnt give me (Yeah) 你所对我承诺将给与我的的一切,你都无法给我

The only one who made me cry , Is you唯一一个让我伤心流泪的人,就是你

by eelipse

and the only one i had to fight , is you 我唯一要反抗的人,就只有你

And it was you who told me 是你,没错就是你允诺我的

He said i will never have to fight again 他说我永远不需要再反抗

he said i will never have to cry again 永远不需要再伤心

He say , been to the battle field and my heart is safe with him他说,他在爱情战场凯旋而归,你的心将于我尘埃落定

All my trust i'll give it to him 我完完全全的相信了

So i guess i fell in love with a toy soldier 我爱上了一个玩具士兵

by eelipse

I let down my guard cause you were my guard 我会卸下自己的所有防备,只因你就是我最温暖的羽翼

But Who protects me Now 可是,现在谁能保护我呢?

Cause i gave you my heart 我把我的心给了你

Then You tore it apart OOooOOh You Let me Down 可是你却把它狠狠地撕裂

by eelipse

He said i will never have to fight again 他说我永远不需要再反抗

he said i will never have to cry again 永远不需要再伤心

He say , been to the battle field and my heart is safe with him他说,他在爱情战场凯旋而归,你的心将于我尘埃落定

All my trust i'll give it to him 我完完全全的相信了

So i guess i fell in love with a toy soldier 我爱上了一个玩具士兵

i'm a wind-up toy in an up down world 我是个破布娃,我的世界底朝天 if you leave me all alone, i'll make a mess for sure 要是你完全冷落我,我一定会闹得地覆天翻 i've a heart of gold in a smallest size 我的心是很小很小一块沉默的金 leave me in the dark, you'll never hear me cry 把我丢在黑暗里,你永远不会听到我哭泣 more than an illustration 远远不是一个摆设 points of articulation 身上所有关节 come to life on a brass spring 安上铜丝弹簧就能伸屈 such a wonderful plaything 多么美妙的一个玩具 it's a cruel cross that i have to bear 我天天背的是冷酷的十字架 if you come a little closer, i'm going to pull your hair 你若再敢靠近我一步,我可就要拉扯你头发 more than just a toy in a patched blue suit 不要当我是个打补丁穿蓝衣的玩具 when you hold me in your arms, i'm just a boy like you 一旦你把我抱进怀里,我这男孩哪有一点不像你 but your mama thought there was something wrong 可你妈妈认为有件事情实在是有一些蹊巧 didn't want you sleeping with a boy too long 她可不希望你总是搂个男孩去睡觉 it's a serious thing in a grown-up world 在成人的世界里这种事可够严肃 maybe you'd be better with a barbie girl 也许搂个芭比娃娃对你更有好处 you knew that i adored ya 你知道我是疼你的呀 but you left me in georgia 却怎把我留在乔治亚 toys are not sentimental 哪有玩偶会多愁善感 how could i be for rental? 怎么能租我出去赚钱? she's the meanest hag that has ever been 她是这世上最最歹毒的母夜叉 pulled out my insides with an old safety pin 拿一根破别针挑出我肚里的棉花 i'm the sorest sight, now i feel like trash 惨不忍睹的我,感觉像团垃圾 clothes are made of rags and they don't even match 破布头拼成我外衣,大小长短都不合体 so she dressed me up as the man she loved 她就这样把我扮成心上人的模样 then threw me in a box when she had had enough 等玩腻了,就随手把我扔进一个旧货箱 now the light of day i no longer see 现在我再看不见光的颜色 she stuck her voodoo pins where my eyes used to be 她把淬满诅咒的钢针,深深插进我的眼窝 accidentally tragic 意外酿成悲剧 victim of her black magic 我毁于她的黑色魔力 had a boy once who loved me 要是哪个男孩曾一度爱我 now he's so afraid of me 他现在定会退避三舍 on a long lost day when you're grey and old 漫长而迷茫的某一天,你已老到头发苍白 would you be there remembering your old toy boy? 那时的你可会想起小时候拥有过的那个布娃男孩 when your only son's wondering what to be 如果你的独生子开始对未来感到一片迷茫 tell him the story of a boy like me 就把我这男孩的故事给他讲一讲 oooooo 呜呜呜呜 oooooooo 呜呜呜呜呜

鹏仔 微信 15129739599

百科狗 baikegou.com

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