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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-08-05 02:10:19浏览:8分类:文字大全


In 1889, the 100 anniversary of the French Revolution, Paris held a major international exposition and celebration. The most attract sb.'s attention Expo exhibits is the Eiffel Tower. It is sweeping the world became a symbol of the industrial revolution. The Eiffel Tower was designed by French architect Gustave Eiffel. Many a masterpiece of his life, all over the world, but that makes him well-known in the world or the tower of his name. He said: "Eiffel Tower overwhelmed me, as if I just built her life. In January 28, 1887, the Eiffel Tower began. 250 of the workers to work 8 hours a day in winter, summer work 13 hours a day, finally, March 31, 1889 this steel structure tower be accomplished. Eiffel Tower is -- looks like a pile of model components composed of many scattered pieces. However, these fragments can not plastic, but the metal, and there are 18038, weighing 10000 tons, a total of 7000000 construction of drilling, using rivets 2500000. Because each component on the tower in advance are strictly numbered, so did a little mistake during assembly. Construction in full accordance with the design, there is no way any changes, accurate and reasonable, visible design calculation. According to statistics, only the tower design sketches have more than 5300 beds, including 1700 full pics. After the completion of the Eiffel Tower, 300 meters high, until 1930 it was the tallest building in the world. Today, a new tower on radio and television antenna, its total has reached 320 meters high. Standing on the tower, the whole of Paris in the foot. Visitors from many parts of the world come to visit every day. By 1988, the "Iron Lady" has welcomed 123000000 tourists from the five continents. In March 31, 1989, the Eiffel Tower for 100 years. Therefore Paris tower management company specially presided over the solemn commemoration, to reproduce a hundred years ago to mobilize people to the top of Eiffel history of the scene: black dress, wearing broad brimmed hat, holding a flag of the "Eiffel" and 30 "celebrities", "construction workers", in the solemn sound of music up. When he put the tricolor flag tower, a 21 gun salute Qiming, pigeons flying around the tower, colored balloons floating on the blue sky. In the tower 2 layer platform fence on the fly with a text written in the world "to celebrate the 100 year old tower" color banners. Countless visitors looking to see the spectacular scene. The Eiffel Tower has experienced a hundred years of wind and rain, after the overhaul in twentieth Century and early 80's still stand as firm as a rock, in the Senna river. It is the pride of the French people. Eiffel Tower covers an area of one hectare, standing on the Paris sur Seine Mars square. In addition to four feet with steel and concrete, general steel structure, tower with a total weight of 7000 tons. The tower is divided into three layers, the first layer is 57 meters tall, second layer third layer 115 meters, 274 meters. In addition to the third level platform is no gap, the other part is through the air. From the base to the top of the tower has a total of 1711 steps, the lift has been installed, it is very convenient. Each layer has a bar and restaurant, for tourists in the rest, enjoy the unique style of the Paris urban Panorama: every blue skies, you can see up to 70 kilometers inside the scenery.


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