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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-08-06 04:51:20浏览:9分类:情话语录



1, 这是你的找零和小票,请到那边取下饮料,很快就好

Here are your receipt and change. Please pick up your drink from that side. It'll be ready in just a moment.

2 ,祝你用餐愉快

Enjoy (your food).


Sorry, we have many orders in queue right now. Please be seated first, and we'll call you when your order is ready.


Please wait on your seat. We'll bring your food/drink to you when it's ready.


Sorry, but our credit card machine is not working right now. Can you pay cash?


for here or to go,sir?

7 能用我们的马克杯(玻璃杯)吗?环保一点

Could we use the glass cup for your drink? It's more environment freindly.

8,牛肉 猪肉 鸡肉 鱼肉 beef, pork, chicken, fish

9 不好意思让您久等了,谢谢你的等待,这是你要的饮料.

I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. Thanks for being patient. This is your drink.


What would you like to order today? Everything as usual?


Would you like to try our new food/drink? This is sour/sweet, it has beef/cheery jelly.


Take your time. Please call me when you are ready. [I'll take this lady's/gentleman's order first, Is that all right?](注:方括号中其实不用说。不过也给译了。)

13 请稍等一下,我去找下我们的值班经理帮你解决问题

A moment, please. I'll go ask our manager to come help you with the problem.

14 X先生 X**,饮料好了,这边取下

Mr. X/Ms. X, your drink is ready. Please come pick it up here.


Hello, you have been randomly picked as the invitee of our Voice of Customer program. Please read the words on this paper, and remember to bring it to exchange your free drink within 90 days.

16 要烫的水还是温的

Would you like it very warm or just lukewarm?

17 刀,叉子,湿纸巾,勺子 knife, fork, moist napkin/wipe, spoon

18 要留空间加牛奶吗?

Would you like to leave some room for milk/cream?

19 要帮你加好牛奶吗要加多少牛奶呢?

Would you like me to add milk/cream for you? How much do you like?

20 牛奶已经帮你加在里面了

Milk/cream is added.

21 有3元零钱吗(零钱)

Do you have a change of three Yuan?


Hope to see you again. 或者:Thank you and come again.

23,要帮你打包吗?Do you need me to help pack the remains?


A moment please. I don't have any change left right now. Let me go get some.

25 走出这个木门,直走,厕所在右边

Out of this wooden door, go straight ahead, and the bathroom is on the right.

26 直接连接CHINANET就可以了

Simply connect to CHINANET directly.

27 我可以为你做什么?

what can i do for you sir?

28 你好,请问贵姓?可以让我登记下熟客资料吗?接受我们的短信通知吗?我们有新品或者活动会发信息通知您,您的地址是

Hello, may I know your last name? Could you leave some information so we can keep a record for our frequent guest? Would you like to receive our text message notification? We will send you notifications of our new products or events. And your address is...?

29 感觉怎么样?味道可以吗?

How do you like it? It tastes good?

30 一共XXX元。

The total is xxx yuan.

鹏仔 微信 15129739599

百科狗 baikegou.com

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