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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-08-06 19:47:38浏览:8分类:文字大全


问题一:“雏菊”的英语翻译是什么? 20分 Bellis perennis;daisy

问题二:“雏菊”的英文名应叫什么? 稚嫩的:tender+菊花:chrysanthemum=Tensamun

问题三:雏菊英语怎么说 daisy

雏菊是菊科植物的一种,异名长命菊、延命菊,英文名是Daisy,原产于欧洲,原种被视为丛生的杂草,开花期在春季。雏菊是多年生草本植物,学名的种加词perennis也含有“多年生的”的意思。雏菊深得意大利人的喜爱,因而推举为国花。雏菊又叫干菊、白菊,可以作为药用植物。 雏菊的种植历史很悠久,常秋播作2年生栽培,株高15-20厘米。叶基部簇生,匙形。头状花序单生,花径3-5厘米,舌状花为条形。有白色、粉色、红色还有**。花语:纯洁的美、天真、和平、希望以及“深藏在心底的爱”。

问题四:雏菊的英文怎么读。 daisy /?de?z?/

问题五:雏菊的英文和意大利文是什么? 雏菊意大利语名:Margherita英文名 :Daisy 拉丁语名:Bellis perennis


Chrysanthemum condolences meaning from abroad

Few people realize that, like chrysanthemum grave expression of love with Rose, mainly a matter of fact, "West goes East," the results; and fewer people will know that the Chinese chrysanthemum from all over the world.

Europe's Dictionary on "Chrysanthemum" is about 17 at the end of the century the Dutch business will be introduced from China, the chrysanthemum into the 18th century France, before the mid-19th century was the introduction of Latin America ... so that ... all over the world.

In Europe, most of the chrysanthemum plant is the cemetery, as Europe's traditional culture is that the burial of chrysanthemum flowers, if friends or guests, the flowers should never be carried. In Latin America, the chrysanthemum has "spent demon." Can be seen in the West.

There are news reports that China's exports to a large number of chrysanthemum east Japan, to create a good economic benefits. Separated by a sea away, they catch the preservation of the high transport costs, profit was also quite good; This is due to Japan's Chrysanthemum demand resulting in large demand in Japan. In Japan, even the death of an ordinary person, often to the use of the two 30,000 chrysanthemum; not to mention a cemetery for the annual Chrysanthemum demand.

With different foreign countries, chrysanthemum in the Chinese traditional culture has two implications, one of high integrity; Second, the good fortune and longevity.

Taoism and the "natural Shifa" On the contrary, the Confucian culture is about, "Peter" and subjective to the natural landscape in order to correspond to human behavior. Chrysanthemum Lingshuang and that is to put it, the west wind off the non-characters and their "do more with flowers bloom" tolerance has been given the Jianzhenbuqu noble sentiment. In addition, the daisy open in September, "Nine" is the largest single-digit number, known as the "to" and "yang", which Shuangyang Xiangdie Chrysanthemum and the Chung Yeung Festival on September 9, be given the good fortune, longevity Meaning. "Picking Dong-Ju" in order to get fresh chrysanthemum of the effectiveness of health care, "leisurely southern mountains" to look after the "Shoubinanshan" was conveyed.

We can see that based on the ancient Chrysanthemum or appreciate the blessings of living persons; now is the memory of their old friends. In fact, as well as chrysanthemum flowers and trees of any meaning is given by the people, culture and habits are constantly changing; respected personality in this era, we need to think independently and to choose. If you like the chrysanthemum, so be it, like the ancients, like a bouquet set on a desk?

黑咖啡(浓咖啡)black?coffee;白咖啡(牛奶咖啡)white coffee;青咖啡(生咖啡)green coffee。

红茶Black tea;绿茶green tea;乌龙茶:oolong tea;菊花茶chrysanthemum tea;龙井Longjing。

(1)black coffee

读音:英[bl?k ?k?fi],美[bl?k ?k?fi]


例句:Newman poured more?black?coffee?and lit a?cigarette. 纽曼又倒了些黑咖啡,接着点了支烟。

(2)white coffe

读音:英[wa?t ?k?fi],美[wa?t ?k?fi]


例句:Wayne has a large?white?coffee?in front of?him. 韦恩面前摆着一大杯加了牛奶的咖啡。

(3)green coffee

读音:英[ɡri?n ?k?fi],美[ɡri?n ?k?fi]

释义:n. 生咖啡

例句:The?enzyme?ot-galactosidase?isolated?from?green?coffee?bean?could?convert?the?red?blood?celis?of?Blood?group?B?into?blood?group?O?type. 从绿色咖啡豆中制备的α-半乳糖苷酶可以将B型血转变为O型血。



1、浓(淡)茶 strong(weak)tea

2、砖茶 brick tea

3、速溶咖啡 instant coffee

4、可可 cocoa

5、牛奶 milk

6、全脂奶 whole milk

7、矿泉水 mineral water

8、不含酒精的饮料 soft drink

9、汽水 soda water

10、桔子水 orangeade

11、水果汁;果子露 fruit syrup

12、烈性酒 liquor;spirit

13、葡萄酒(含酒精度数较低的) wine

14、甜酒 sweet wine

15、汽酒 bubbing wine

16、黄酒;绍兴酒 yellow wine;rice wine

17、白葡萄酒 white wine

18、红葡萄酒 red wine;port

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