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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-08-12 12:50:37浏览:13分类:文字大全





n.(名词)找,寻,找寻出外觅求争取,寻取 ,谋取,谋求想,设法,千方百计垂涎,觊觎,得到,想弄到琢磨,摸索,探索v.(动词)探求,搜索;寻找,找,寻觅,寻求;求得,追求,争取请求;要求;征求图谋调查,研究去,赴,往,朝...而去搜查遍,搜查企图,试图,设法求教,求助于二、双解释义

v.(动词)vt. & vi. 寻找; 探寻 make a search for; look forvt. 请求,征求; 求教 ask for, go to requestvt. & vi. 企图,试图 try to find or get sth; make an attempt三、英英释义

Noun:the movement of a read/write head to a specific data track on a disk

Verb:try to get or reach;"seek a position"

"seek an education"

"seek happiness"

try to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of;"The police are searching for clues"

"They are searching for the missing man in the entire county"

make an effort or attempt;"He tried to shake off his fears"

"The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps"

"The police attempted to stop the thief"

"He sought to improve himself"

"She always seeks to do good in the world"

go to or towards;"a liquid seeks its own level"

inquire for;"seek directions from a local"


Tortured by fear, he decided to seek the aid of a psychiatrist.


Many single people are seeking that special someone.


Some nations will seek the change of their energy supply sources to reduce emissions, or for other reasons.


You seek all day and you find it, and then you realize that it is worthless.



用作动词(v.)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)We sought long and hard but found no answer.

我们作了长期的艰苦探索,但没有找到答案。Nothing seek, nothing find.

无所求则无所获。The reason is not far to seek.

原因并不难去寻找。An efficient leader is yet to seek.

有能力的领导还没有找到。The explanation is not far to seek.

这种解释不难理解。用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.The police are still seeking the men involved in last week's robbery.

警察仍在寻找跟上星期的抢劫案有牵连的那些人。They seek neither fame nor fortune.

他们既不追名,也不逐利。Some people seek wealth and fame.

有些人追求财富和名誉。People are eager to seek peace.

人民渴望寻求和平。They moved to New York to seek jobs.

他们迁到纽约去找工作。He went to seek his lawyer's advice.

他去请教律师。She sought the opinion of several experts.

她征求了几位专家的意见。1The risin and tannin that can be extracted from it are sought by the chemical industry.

从中提取的松香和鞣酸是化学工业上很需要的。S+~+to- vWe've never sought to hide our views.

我们从来不想隐瞒自己的观点。We are seeking to achieve better results in the end of term examination.

我们正设法把期终考试考好。These men are seeking to destroy the government.

这伙人正试图搞垮政府。The company is seeking to improve its profitability.

这家公司正设法增加赢利。Power stations are seeking to reduce their use of oil.

各发电站正试图降低燃油消耗。They are seeking to attain the most advanced technological levels in the world.


用作动词 (v.)~+名词seek advice请教seek comfort追求安逸seek happiness追求幸福seek help求助seek information搜集情报seek truth追求真理seek wealth追求财富~+副词seek aimlessly无目的地寻找seek assiduously努力追求seek constantly经常寻求seek contentiously有争议地追求seek desperately绝望地寻找seek eagerly急切的追寻seek faithfully忠实地追寻seek habitually习惯地寻找seek idly无聊地寻求seek industriously勤劳地追寻seek instinctively本能地寻找seek obstinately固执地追求seek patiently耐心地寻找seek persistently坚持寻找seek tirelessly不知疲倦地追求seek unavailingly徒劳地寻找seek all around四处寻找seek out寻出,搜出,想获得seek out a shady spot找到一个阴凉地方seek through搜遍~+介词seek after寻求seek after the truth追求真理seek for寻求seek for employment求职seek from从?寻求seek advice from lawyer请教律师seek information from various sources从各种来源搜集情报seek truth from facts实事求是七、词语用法

v.(动词)seek的基本意思是“寻找”“寻求”“谋求”“设法得到”,指怀有很大希望,付出很大努力去寻求某人或某物,也可指对崇高目的或抽象事物的追求、向往或探索。偶尔表示不费吹灰之力的调查。seek还可作“试图”解。seek用作及物动词时,接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语。用作不及物动词时,其主动形式含有被动意义。seek用于be to结构时,尽管主语是seek的逻辑宾语,句子也要用主动结构。seek是书面语,较少用于口语。seek的相关近义词

comb、explore、feel for、ferret out、hunt、look for、rummage、search


seeker、seedy、seeke、seeking、seek to、seeketh、seek for、seek out、seek arm、Seek Bat、seek aid、seek key


lie 读音: [英][la?][美][lai]

lie 读音: [英][la?][美][lai]


vi.躺; 摆放,位于; 处于…状态; 存在,内含;

n.谎言,谎话; 状态,位置; 栖息处,隐藏处; 停止的位置;

第三人称单数:lies过去分词:lain lied复数:lies现在进行时:lying过去式:lay lied


lie awake at night.我躺在床上夜不能寐。

I lie awake at night. 我躺在床上夜不能寐。

This means you must lie. 这意味着你必须撒谎。

The second reason people lie? 这第二个说谎的原因嘛?

In this first part, the question is why politicians lie so much. 头一部分的问题是,为什么政客说这么多谎。

If you feel unwell, go and lie down.如果你感到不舒服,就去躺下。

My home town lies low in a hidden valley.我的家乡位于一个隐蔽的山谷里。


lie awake 醒着躺在那里

lie flat 平躺

lie open 暴露着

lie sick 卧病

lie complacently 自鸣得意地躺着

lie composedly 镇静地躺着

lie consciously 有意识地躺着

lie contemptuously 傲慢地躺着

lie coolly 冷静地躺着

lie dejectedly 沮丧地躺着

lie despairingly 绝望地躺着

lie dreamily 恍惚地躺着

lie facetiously 滑稽地躺着

lie faithfully 有信心地躺着

lie fatalistically 听天由命地躺着

lie freely 随意地躺着

lie graciously 通情达理地躺着

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