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Linkin Park <New Divid>中文歌词

作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-08-13 20:27:30浏览:10分类:歌词大全

Linkin Park <New Divid>中文歌词



I remembered black skies, the lightning all around me / 我回想起黑色的天空,身边雷电交加

I remembered each flash as time began to blur / 在我记忆里所有的时间飞逝而过开始变得模糊起来

Like a startling sign that fate had finally found me / 像一个可怕地预言,厄运终于降临在我身上

And your voice was all I heard / 我听到了你所有的呼喊

Did I get what I deserve? / 可是我罪有应得?So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean / 给我个理由,证明我错了,把所有的记忆洗净

Let the thoughts cross the distance in your eyes / 让洪水般的忏悔穿过你冰冷的双眼

Give me reason to fill this up, connect the space between / 给我理由,填满这空隙

Let it be enough to reach the truth realized / 让里面充满了谎言和真相

Across this new divide / 穿越新的界限There was nothing inside, the memories left abandoned / 眼里如此的空洞,丢弃剩下的记忆

There was nowhere to hide, the ashes fell like snow / 人们无处藏身,灰烬像白雪一样飘落

And the ground caved in between where we were standing / 在天地之间没有你我的立足之地

And your voice was all I heard / 我听到了你所有的呼喊

Did I get what I deserve? / 可是我罪有应得?So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean / 给我个理由,证明我错,把所有记忆洗净

Let the thoughts cross the distance in your eyes / 让洪水般的忏悔穿过你冰冷的双眼

Across this new divide / 穿越新的界限

In every loss in every lie, in every truth that you deny / 所有的痛苦,所有的谎言,你都拒绝

And each regret and each divide was some mistake too great to hide / 每个后悔,每个分歧,都需要将背后的误解打破

And your voice was all I heard / 我听到你所有的呼喊

Did I get what I deserve? / 可是我罪有应得?So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean / 给我个理由,证明我错,把所有记忆洗净

Let the thoughts cross the distance in your eyes / 让洪水般的忏悔穿过你冰冷的双眼

Give me reason to fill this up, connect the space between / 给我理由,填满这空隙

Let it be enough to reach the truth realized / 让里面充满了真相和谎言

Across this new divide / 穿越新界限Across this new divide / 穿越新界限Across this new divide / 穿越新界限

Ididitforlove我我为爱疯狂 Ididitforlove我我为爱放肆 Ididitforlove我我为爱堕落 Ididitforlove我我为爱报复 What'shardforme对我来说最难受的是 Isawyourgamebutyetandstillyougotme我目睹你的圈套却无法摆脱你的手心 Youtouchedthedeepestpartofme我触摸我灵魂深处 Yougotmyheartit'sjumping我深深迷恋你心跳加速 Itoldyouallofmysecretsdidn'tseebetrayal再你面前我毫无保畱给予你 Onceyear,twomonthsandnowit'soverdidn'tthinkwe'dfail单单数月后的现在我无法想象已是尽头 Lovingyouiscausingmetochange迷恋你的我为爱而变 Andithurtssobaditdon'tfeelthesame这种窒息的伤痛我从未感知 Andnowmyfriendsareaskingme,'WhatdidIdo?'我的朋友们总问我该何去何从 Idonehurtmyself,overlovingyou我爱你这是我在自欺欺人 OhI喔我 IIIIdiditdiditdiditforlove我我我我为爱为爱为爱疯狂 IIIIdiditdiditdiditforlove我我我我为爱为爱为爱放肆 IIIIdiditdiditdiditforlove我我我我为爱为爱为爱堕落 IIIIdiditdiditdiditforlove我我我我为爱为爱为爱报复 (IknowthatIdidyouwrong)我知道那是我们的歧途 Pleaseforgiveme,Babygirl,I'msorry请宽恕我宝贝,抱歉 (IknowthatIdidyouwrong)我知道那是我们的歧途 Whyyoucrying,babygirl,I'msorry为什么要哭宝贝,抱歉 (IknowthatIdidyouwrong)我知道那是我们的歧途 HeavenknowsIdidn'tmeantohurtnobody我对天发誓我并不是要伤害你 (IknowthatIdidyouwrong)我知道那是我们的歧途 LetmetakethistimetosayI'msorry给我解释的机会抱歉 Lovingyouiscausingmetochange迷恋你的我为爱而变 Andithurtssobaditdon'tfeelthesame这种窒息的伤痛我从未感知 Andnowmyfriendsareaskingme,'WhatdidIdo?'我的朋友们总问我该何去何从 Idonehurtmyself,overlovingyou我爱你这是我在自欺欺人 OhI喔我 IIIIdiditdiditdiditforlove我我我我为爱为爱为爱疯狂 IIIIdiditdiditdiditforlove我我我我为爱为爱为爱放肆 IIIIdiditdiditdiditforlove我我我我为爱为爱为爱堕落 IIIIdiditdiditdiditforlove我我我我为爱为爱为爱报复 Ihadsomeintentions,baby我真的不是故意的宝贝 ButI'mdonehurtingyou但我的确伤害了你 Iwannamakeituptoyou我想我们可以和好 Didn'tyouseeinitmyheart?难道你没看见我的心在流血 Ican'ttrustitanymore我绝不可能再相信你 Iwannamakeituptoyou我想我们可以和好 Iwannamakeituptoyou我想我们可以和好 Didn'tyouseeinitmyheart?难道你没看见我的心在流血 Ican'ttrustitanymore我绝不可能再相信你 IIIIdiditdiditdiditforlove我我我我为爱为爱为爱疯狂 IIIIdiditdiditdiditforlove我我我我为爱为爱为爱放肆 IIIIdiditdiditdiditforlove我我我我为爱为爱为爱堕落 IIIIdiditdiditdiditforlove我我我我为爱为爱为爱报复 IIIIdiditdiditdiditforlove我我我我为爱为爱为爱疯狂 IIIIdiditdiditdiditforlove我我我我为爱为爱为爱放肆 IIIIdiditdiditdiditforlove我我我我为爱为爱为爱堕落 IIIIdiditdiditdiditforlove我我我我为爱为爱为爱报复 Diditforlove为爱为爱我为爱堕落 Diditforlove为爱为爱我为爱堕落 Diditforlove为爱为爱我为爱堕落 Diditdiditdiditforlove为爱为爱我肆无忌惮

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