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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-08-28 22:23:09浏览:9分类:文字大全




 幼儿英语日常用语:晨间活动(Morning Activities)

 Good morning.早上好

 Good afternoon. 下午好!

 Hello, everyone! 大家好!

 Nice to see you. 很高兴见到你。

 Nice to see you, too. 见到你我也很高兴。

 Glad to meet(see) you. 很高兴见到你。

 Say good bye to your mommy/daddy/grandpa/grandma


 How are you? 你好吗?

 I am fine, thank you. 谢谢,我很好。

 Come in please. 请进。

 How do you do?你好!

 I miss you baby.宝贝,我很想你。

 Would you like to say hello to your friend?向别的小朋友问好,好不好?

 Say hello to Miss Li.向李老师问好。

 You look pretty today.你今天看上去真漂亮。

 I like your new dress.我喜欢你的新裙子。

 You are a brave child. Don't cry.你是一个勇敢的孩子,别哭哦!

 Come on. Give me a hug/kiss.来,抱一下/亲一下。

 Please take off your coat, and fold it here. 请把外套脱下来,叠好放在这里。

 Please put your clothes here. 请把衣服放到这里。

 Did you have a good sleep last night? 你昨晚睡得好吗?

 Did you have a good time on your weekend? 周末过得好吗?

 Did you have a good time on your holiday? 假期过得好吗?

 Are you fine? 你还好吧?

 You don?t look well. 你看起来不太好。

 Please sit here and play with the toys. 坐下玩一会玩具吧。

 Please sit here and read the story(book). 坐下玩一会书吧。

 Please water the flowers. 请你浇浇花吧。

 幼儿英语日常用语:早操(户外活动) Morning Exercises (Outside Activities)

 Let?s go out. 让我们到室外去。

 Let?s go downstairs. 让我们到楼下去。

 Let?s play on the ground. 让我们到操场上玩吧。

 Line up one by one. 一个跟着一个排好队。

 Let?s go. 我们走吧。

 Stand in a line. 请站成一队。

 Count off. 报数。

 Stand in a circle, hand in hand.手拉手站成一个圈。

 Look forward! At ease. Attention.向前看!稍息。立正。。

 Follow me. 请跟我这样做。

 Let?s go back to the classroom.我们回教室吧。

 No pushing, no running. 不要推,不要跑。

 Two lines, please 请排成两队。

 Let?s go out to play, shall we? 我们出去玩,好吗?

 Ready? One, two, go! 准备好了吗?齐步走!

 Let?s play a game.我们做个游戏。

 Turn left.向左转。

 Turn right.向右转

 Make a big circle.站成一个大圈。

 Make a small circle.站成一个小圈。

 One step backward everyone.向后退一步。

 One step forward everyone.向前进一步。

 Turn around, face me please.请转身面向我。

 Boys, jump on the circles.男孩子跳到 圈上。

 Come on! 加油!

 Hurry up! 快点儿!

 Be careful! 当心!

 Safety first! 安全第一!

 Are you tired? 你们累吗?

 Let?s have a rest. 你们休息一下。

 Please come close to each other, sit down. 请靠拢坐下。

 Don?t push others.不要推别人。

 Brave boy! 你真勇敢!

 Don?t push others.别乱跑。

 It?s time to do morning exercises, please go out and line up.


 Make one line/two lines.请排成一队/两队。

 Two lines, please.请排成两队。

 Look forward! 向前看。

 March in your place, right, left?原地踏步。一二一

 Look at me, boys and girls. Place do as I do.请看着我,跟我做。

 Let?s go back the classroom! 我们回教室吧!

 One by one, please.一个接一个。

 Please don?t be crowded.不要挤。

 Boys are here. (Boys line up here.)男孩子在这儿。

 Girls are there. (Girls line up there.)女孩子在那儿。


 It?s time for breakfast/lunch/supper(dinner)/snack.


 Are you hungry? 你们饿了吗?

 Please sit down at the table.( Please sit by the table).请坐到餐桌旁。

 Wash your hands please. 请大家去洗手吧。

 Then, dry your hands with the towel. 然后呢,用毛巾擦干手。

 Here are your chopsticks/spoon/bowl.给你筷子,勺子和碗。

 Please lay them straight.请把他们放好。

 Who is on duty today? Come on help me, please!


 Take your time.慢慢吃。

 Please wash your hands before you eat.吃东西前请洗手。

 Did you wash your hands? Let me have a look/check. 你洗手了吗?让我看看。

 Please wash your hands with soap.打打肥皂。

 Breakfast is ready. Please sit by the table.早餐好了,请坐到桌边来。

 Today, we have milk and bread for our breakfast.今天的早餐是牛奶和面包。

 Please rinse your mouth after eating.吃完东西漱口。

 Do you want more? 还想要一点吗?

 Please clean your own place at the table. 请把自己的位置打扫干净。

 The dishes smell good.菜闻着真香。

 Please keep silent while eating.( Be quiet when you are eating.)


 Take your cup and drink some water.那口杯喝水。

 Boys and girls, lunchtime. 孩子们,吃午饭了。

 Today, we have rice and vegetables.今天的午餐我们吃米饭和一些蔬菜。

 Vegetable is good for our health.蔬菜对身体有好处。

 We should have some vegetables for each meal.每餐都要吃一些蔬菜。

 Who wants more rice? 谁还要米饭?

 Who?d like more vegetables?谁还要菜?

 All kinds of vegetables are good for our health.多吃蔬菜有利于我们的身体健康。

 Who wants to add some soup? 谁想加点儿汤?

 Please put the bones on the plate.请把骨头放在盘子里。

 Bean curd is delicious. 豆腐是美味可口的。

 Please try to finish everything/ things in your bowls.请尽量把碗里的饭菜吃完。

 Please, do not spread the rice around. 别把米粒撒得到处都是。

 Please rinse your mouth.请漱口。

 Please put your bowl in the basin. 请把你的'碗放在盆子里。

 Show me your hands, are they clean? 让我看看你的手干净了吗?

 Please have some more. 再吃一点。

 Is it tasty? 好吃吗?

 Are you full? 吃饱了吗?

 Clean your mouth with the napkin. 用餐巾把嘴擦干净。

 Wipe(clean) your mouth, please. 请擦嘴。

 幼儿英语日常用语:课堂集体活动(Teaching Activities)

 Let?s call the roll.我们点名吧。

 Answer when your name is called.叫到你的名字时请答?到?。

 Is everyone here? 都到齐了吗?

 Who is not here? 今天谁没到?

 Who is absent? 谁没来?

 Wang Lin ,please stand up and say?here?.王林,请喊?到?。

 Let?s count One, two, three.?我们数一下,1,2,3

 Who?s on duty today?今天谁值日?

 You have done your duty very well.你的值日做的很好。

 Are you on duty? 是你值日吗?

 It's time for class. 上课的时间到了。

 Let's begin our class. 开始上课。

 Let's start. 开始。

 Shall we begin? Yes, let's begin. 我们开始吧?好,我们开始。

 Please look at me. 请看我。

 Let's have a break(rest). 我们休息一下。

 Break time. 休息时间。

 Time is up. 时间到。

 Good./ Well done/ Good job. 干的好。

 You are so smart! 你真聪明。

 Excellent! 太棒了!

 Great! 真棒!

 Do you understand? 明白了吗?

 Have you got it? 听懂了吗?

 Put up(Raise) your hands. 请举手。

 Put down your hands. 放下手。

 Try it again. 再试一次。

 Who wants to try? 谁想试试?

 Please speak in a low voice. 请轻声说话。

 Please drink some water. 请喝点水。

 What?s the matter? 怎么了

 What?s wrong with you? 你怎么了?

 Go back to your seat , please. 请回座位。

 Be careful.小心。

 I am sorry. 对不起。

 Never mind. 没关系。

 Look at me.请看我。

 Listen carefully.注意听。

 Are you ready? 准备好了吗?

 Boy?s and girls, listen to me now.孩子们,现在听我说。

 Today we will listen to a story. The story? s name is ?


 I?m going to tell you a story, the name is ?我要给你们讲个故事,名字叫?

 Today, we are going to play a game, the name is?


 Now, let?s play another game. 现在,我们玩另一个游戏.

 What?s the name of the song? 这首歌的名字叫什么?

 What?s the name of the story? 故事的名字叫什么?

 Let?s listen to a song; please clap your hands with the music.


 Let?s sing the song together; you may dance with the music.


 Let?s sing the song together; you may clap your hands with the music.


 Please follow me and sing the song. 请跟我一起唱歌。

 Look at the picture. 请看这幅图。

 Please tell me what you?ve heard in the story.


 Who can tell me, what you?ve heard in the song/music?


 Good! 好!

 Well done! 很好!

 You did a good job! 你做得好!

 You are so smart! 你真聪明!

 You are clever! 你真聪明!

 You can do it well. 你能行。

 Excellent! /Great! Good boy! / Good girl! 非常棒!好极了!做得不错!

 Use your head. 动动脑筋。

 This is a good try; please go back to your seat. 不错,请回座位。

 Do you understand? 你明白了吗?

 Have you got it? 你明白了吗?

 Please repeat after me. 请跟我读。

 Please read after me. 请跟我读。

 Please follow me. 请跟我做(来)。

 Let?s read/ sing it together. 我们一起来读(唱)。

 Who wants to try? 谁想来试一试?

 Have a try! 试一试!

 Try again! 请再试一试!

 Who can try? 谁能试一试?

 Now, try to answer. 试着回答。

 Don?t worry, think it over, you may tell me / us later.


 Could you speak a little louder? 请大声点说。

 Louder, please. 请大声点。

 Go on. 请继续。

 Please think about it. 请想一想。

 Could you please try it again? 请再试一次。

 Don?t be shy! 别害羞!

 Don?t be nervous! 别紧张!

 Don?t be afraid! 别害怕!

 Don?t be timid! 别胆怯!

 Don?t give up. 别放弃!

 Say it again. 再说一遍。

 Don?t interrupt her/him. 不要打断她(他)。

 Let her /him go on. 让她(他)接着说。

 No talking, please. 请不要讲话了。

 Stop talking, boys and girls. 孩子们,别讲话了

 Don?t talk anymore. 别说话了。

 Show me your fingers. 伸出你的手指

 Let?s clap hands for? 让我们为?鼓掌祝贺.

 That?s all the time we have. 今天就到这儿。

 Class is over. 下课。(今天就到这儿。)

 That?s all for today. 今天就到这儿。
























 人称变更怎么办? “一主①、二宾②、三不变”③

 若是自引自的话, 听者不变称不变。


 He sad,“I am forty,”→He said that he was forty.


 He said,“Are you coming tomorrow?”→He asked me if I wascoming the next day.


 He said,“Is she an English teacher?”→He asked if she was an English teacher.


 He said,“Are you interested in English?”→He asked me/us if Iwas/we were interested in English.

 一般现、过用be done,be有人称、时、数变。

 完成时态have done,被动将been加中间。

 一般将来shall (will) do,被动变do为be done。

 将来进行无被动,shall (will) be doing,

 现在完成进行同,have (has) been doing。

 现、过进行be doing, 被动be加being done。




 一般情助加be done,双宾多将间宾变。













 1.定冠词the,在以辅音音素开头的词前读作[], 在以元音音素开头的词前读作[], 强调时读作。

 例:the table]那张桌子

 the animal那只动物


 例: the flower 那朵花 the E-mail 那个电子邮件


 例:a flower 一朵花 an E-mail 一个电子邮件




 例:a hotel [一家旅馆

 a knife 一把小刀

 a useful tool 一件有用的工具

 a university 一所大学

 a European country一个欧洲国家

 a one-eyed man一个一目失明的`人

 an hour ] 一小时

 an ant 一只蚂蚁

 an honour 一种荣誉

 an honest boy 一个诚实的男孩

 an umbrella 一把伞

 an onion一个洋葱

 an eye 一只眼睛

 an ear [一只耳朵

 an English book [ 一本英语书

 an egg 一只鸡蛋

 an ap 一个苹果

 an island 一座岛

 an uncle一位叔叔

 an old man 一位老人


 1 表示“一,一个”,用在单数可数名词前

 例:There is a picture on the wall. 墙上有一幅图画。

 He has an apple in his hand. 他手里拿着一个苹果。


 a. a (an) 虽表示“一个”,但不强调数量,而是强调类别;one则强调数量。

 例:I bought a computer. 我买了一台电脑。(不是收音机和电视机)

 I bought one computer. 我买了一台电脑。 (不是两台)

 Would you like an ice cream? 来一客冰淇淋好吗?(不是别的食物)

 She gave one ice cream to them each. 她给他们每人一客冰淇淋。(不是两客)

 b. 表示数量对比时,要用one, 不用a(an)。


 I have a red pencil, but she has three. (误)

 I have one red pencil, but she has three. (正)


 I only want a dollar, but he has given me two. (误)

 I only want one dollar, but he has given me two. (正)

 2 表示一类人或物,指同类中的任何一个,a或an不必翻译

 例 Even a child can answer this question. 就是小孩子也能回答这个问题。

 An elephant is stronger than a horse. 大象比马力气大。

 A teacher must be strict with his students. 教师必须对学生严格要求。

 3 第一次提到某人或某物


 例: A girl wants to see you. 一位姑娘要见你。

 On a cold evening a stranger came to my house. 在一个寒冷的晚上,一个陌生人来到我的住处。

 4 表示身份、职业


 例:She is a high school teacher. Her name is Li Fang. 她是一位中学教师,名叫李芳。

 The Whites wanted their daughter to be a musician. 怀特夫妇想要他们的女儿成为音乐家。



 例:He is captain of the team. 他是球队队长。

 Zhang Fei, monitor of their class, is good at English. 张飞是他们的班长,英语很棒。

 5 用于专有名词前,表示不认识某人

 例:A Zhang called you just now. 一位姓张的刚才给你打电话。

 A Mr. Smith wanted to see you. 有位史密斯先生想要见你。

 6 不定冠词用在表示数量、长度、时间等的计数单位的名词前,表示“每一”

 例:We have three meals a day. 我们每天吃三顿饭。

 They met each other once a month. 他们每月会面一次。

 The car moved 100 miles an hour. 这辆小汽车以每小时100英里的速度行驶。

 The envelopes are one yuan a dozen. 信封一打是一元钱。

 Amily goes to see her grandmother twice a week. 爱米莉每周去看奶奶两次。




 good更好是better, bad更坏是worse


 双写目前有三个,bigger, fatter 和hotter







 Let's go特殊记,Shall we 提前要牢记。



 1. Hello! (How do you do?) 你好!

 2. How are you?-I’m fine. Thank you. and you? 你好吗?我很好。谢谢,你呢?

 3. Good morning / afternoon/evening/night. 早上好/下午好/晚上好/晚安。

 4. Excuse me。(sorry. I’m sorry) 打搅一下(对不起/不好意思)

 5. Thank you! 谢谢你!

 6. You are welcome. 不用谢。

 7. How are you today? 今天还好吗?

 8. Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。

 9. What’s your name? 你叫什么名子啊?

 10. My name is×××. 我叫×××。

 11. What can I do for you? 我能为你做点什么?

 12. What’s wrong with you? (What’sthe matter?)你怎么了?(出什么事了?)

 13. It’s time for class. 该上课了。

 14. Come in please. 请进。

 15. Let’s get ready for class! 让我们准备上课吧!

 16. Line up please! 排队!

 17. Attention please! 立正!

 18. At ease. 稍息。

 19. Turn life/right! 向左/右转!

 20. One bye one please.no pushing. 一个一个来。不要挤。

 21. Let’s go back to the classroom. 让我们回教室去。

 22. It’time for (breakfast lunch supper/dinner) 该吃早餐了/该吃午餐了/该吃晚餐了

 23. Please eat up. Take your time. 把它吃完。慢慢吃。

 24. Would you like some rice!来点米饭吧!

 25. Help yourself. 请吃,别客气。

 26. Please have some fish/vegetables. 吃点鱼/蔬菜吧。

 27. Do you want anymore? 还要吗?

 28. Anything to drink? 喝点啥?

 29. I’d like to drink some milk! 我想喝点年奶!

 30. Today we are going to learn some new worlds.今天我们将学习一些新单词。

 31. Who wants to try? 谁来试试?

 32. Let me try! 我来试试!

 33. It’s your turn. 轮到你了。

 34. Don’t be afraid/shy! 不要害怕/不要害羞!

 35. Try your best! 尽力做/尽力试。

 36. Do you understand? 明白了吗?

 37. Stand up/sit down.please. 请站起来/请坐下。

 38. Listen to me carefully. pease. 请仔细地听我说。

 39. Look at me ,please. 请看着我。

 40. Watch carefully. 看仔细。

 41. What are you going to do tonight? 今晚干啥去?

 42. I’m going to Disney’s English Club. 我要去迪士尼英语俱乐部。

 43. I’m going to learn Disney’s Magic English. 我去学迪士尼神奇英语。

 44. What’s on tonight? 今晚有什么节目?

 45. Let’s watch TV. 我们看电视吧!

 46. We are going to the Pople’s Prk. 我们要去人民公园。

 47. Be quiet.please. 请安静。

 48. Stop talking!(Do’t talk.) 别讲话。

 49. Don’t worry about it. 不要为这担心。

 50. No problem. 没问题。

 51. Clap your hands. 鼓撑拍手。

 52. Class is over.(Time is up.) 下课了!(时间到了)

 53. See you next time.Bye bye! 下次见,再见。

 54. Well done! 干得好!

 55. You are so smart! 你真聪明!

 56. How clever you are! 你真是太聪明了!

 57. Let’s have a rest.(take a break) 我们休息一下。

 58. It’s time to go to bed. 该睡觉了。

 59. It’s time to get up.(Wake up.please。) 该起床了(醒醒)

 60. Wash your face/hands/foot. 洗脸/手/脚。

 61. Comb your hair. 梳头。

 62. Brush your teeth. 刷牙。

 63. Come on.Let’s play together. 过来,我们一起玩。

 64. Let’s play a game. 我们来玩个游戏。

 65. You are getting better and better. 你越来越棒了。

 66. You’er making progress everyday. 你每天都在进步。

 67. You’re always the best. 你总是最好的。

 68. You speak English very well. 你英语说的非常好。

 69. Do you like English? (Ilike English very much) 你喜欢英语吗?(我太喜欢英语了)

 70. I’mpleased with your spoken English. 你的口语真令我满意。

 71. Be brave,please. 请勇敢一点。

 72. Have a nice weekend! 周未愉快!

 73. Happy birthday to you. (Happy New Year to you) 生日快乐!(新年快乐)

 74. Put on your clothes. 穿衣服。

 75. Take off your clothes/shoes. 脱衣服/鞋子。

 76. Pardon! (I beg your pardon) 什么!请你再说一次。

 77. May I speak to×××.Please. ×××在吗?

 78. Who is on the line? 你是谁啊?(电话用语)

 79. This is OSA. 我是OSA。(电话用语)

 80. Welcome to Shiyan. 欢迎来到十堰。

 81. Do you like shiyan? 你喜欢十堰吗?

 82. People in Shiyan are proud of Wudang Mountain. 十堰的人以武当山为豪。

 83. Are you free this afternoon? 今天下午你有空吗?

 84. I’m inviting you to Mcdonald’s. 我请你去麦当劳。

 85. At what time shall I come? 我什么时候可以过来。

 86. Is six o’clock ok with you? 六点可以吗?

 87. This way .please! 这边走!

 88. Have a good time。(Enjoy yourself) 玩得愉快!

 89. The same to you! 你也一样!

 90. You are learning fast. 你学得很快。

 91. Keep on trying. 不断努力。

 92. Put up your hands.please。(Raise your hands,please/hands up) 请举手。

 93. Hands down. 放下手。

 94. Be careful. (look out) 小心!

 95. How are you feeling today? 你今天感觉怎么样?

 96. Fine.thanks.and you? 很好,谢谢,你呢?

 97. Hope to see you again! 希望能再见到你。

 98. Drink some water/tea,please. 请喝水/茶。

 99. Which one will you choose? 你要哪个?

 100. Goodbye. See you tomorrow/late/next week! 再见。明天见。







 前分后时不能搞差,要说几点几分差, to前分后时来表达。



 9 : 25 读作: nine twenty-five

 12 : 30 读作: twelve thirty ; twelve-thirty


 ( 1 )表示“几点过几分”(在 30 分钟之内),用介词 past ,其结构是“分钟 +past+ 钟点”。如:

 5 : 20 读作: twenty past five

 11 : 05 读作: five past eleven

 ( 2 )表示“几点差几分”(相差在 30 分钟之内),用介词 to ,其结构是“分钟 +to+ 下一个钟点”。如:

 2 : 50 读作: ten to three

 10 : 58 读作: two to eleven

 6 : 37 读作: twenty-three to seven


 ( 1 )表示“几点整”,可以用数字直接表示,也可以加上 o'clock 。如:

 1 : 00 读作: one o'clock

 20 : 00 读作: twenty o'clock

 ( 2 )表示“几点半”,用 half 。如:

 4 : 30 读作: half past four

 ( 3 )表示“ 15 分钟”,常用 a quarter 。如:

 10 : 15 读作: a quarter past ten

 2 : 45 读作: a quarter to three

 ( 4 )表示“在某一时刻”,应该用介词 at 。如:

 at five-five 在 5 点 5 分

 at three o'clock 在 3 点整

 ( 5 )对时刻提问时,疑问词一般用 what time 。如:

 — What time is it now ?现在几点钟?

 — It's twelve fifteen. 12 点 15 分。

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