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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-09-03 15:24:34浏览:9分类:歌词大全


Is your heart singing out of tune你的心在唱着跑调的歌吗 Are your eyes just singing the blues你的眼睛在唱着悲伤的歌吗 Dirty records from another time曾经肮脏的录音 Some blood stains on your shoes一些血渍玷污了你的鞋子 No one really knows about your soul没有人能真正了解你的灵魂 And I barely even know your name我差点记不起来你的名字 Burning rhythms and posting lies为了不在曾经做过的傻事中懊悔 For a bunch of fools drown in shame 忘记那些韵律和谎言吧 Amy don't you goAMY你要走吗? I want you around我想让你在我的身边 Singin' woah please don't go请不要走 Do you wanna be a friend of mine?我们可以成为朋友吗 Did you tattoo a lucky charm为了让你远离伤害 To keep you out of harms way?你有纹了一个幸运符吗? Warding off all evil signs来挡住所有可怕的东西 But it never really kept you safe但是他却并没有让你安全 You're too young for the golden age对于你来说你还太年轻了 Cause the record bin's been replaced因为那个录音已经被取代了 27 gone without a trace27岁就这么过去没有留下痕迹 And you walked away from your drink 你也甩掉了你的颓废 Amy don't you go AMY你要走吗? I want you around 我想让你在我的身边 Singin' woah please don't go 请不要走 Do you wanna be a friend of mine? 我们可以成为朋友吗 Is your heart singing out of tune 你的心在唱着跑调的歌吗 Are your eyes just singing the blues 你的眼睛在唱着悲伤的歌吗 Dirty records from another time 曾经肮脏的录音 Some blood stains on your shoes 一些血渍玷污了你的鞋子 May I have this last dance我可以与你共舞这最后一曲吗 By chance if we should meet?以后我们还有可能再相遇吗 Can you write me a lullaby?你能为我写一首摇篮曲吗 So we can sing you to sleep 这样我们就可以让你入睡了

Do you know what's worth fighting for, 你知道什么才是值得为之战斗的? When it's not worth dying for? 当并不值得为之而死 Does it take your breath away 它有没有让你无法呼吸 And you feel yourself suffocating? 你是否感觉到了窒息? Does the pain weigh out the pride? 难道遍体鳞伤才能凸显尊严的价值? And you look for a place to hide? 而你只是在寻找一个藏身之地? Did someone break your heart inside? 是不是有人深深地伤了你的心? You're in ruins 你 分崩离析 One, 21 guns 嘿,21声炮响 Lay down your arms 放下你的武器 Give up the fight 放弃这场战斗 One, 21 guns 嘿,21声炮响 Throw up your arms into the sky, 把武器都抛向天空吧 You and I 我和你 When you're at the end of the road 当你身困路的尽头 And you lost all sense of control 而丧失了所有的控制力 And your thoughts have taken their toll 你的想法已开始制造混乱 When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul 当你的头脑背叛了灵魂 Your faith walks on broken glass 你的信仰行走在碎玻璃渣上 And the hangover doesn't pass 宿醉不会醒来 Nothing's ever built to last 没有什么得以永恒 You're in ruins. 你 分崩离析 One, 21 guns 嘿,21声炮响 Lay down your arms 放下你的武器 Give up the fight 放弃这场战斗 One, 21 guns 嘿,21声炮响 Throw up your arms into the sky, 把武器都抛向天空吧 You and I 我和你 Did you try to live on your own 你是否尝试过自力更生 When you burned down the house and home? 当你焚毁房子和家园? Did you stand too close to the fire? 你是否站得离火焰太近了? Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone 如一个向石头寻求谅解的骗子 When it's time to live and let die 当准许生与死的时刻到来 And you can't get another try 而你没有了再次选择的机会 Something inside this heart has died 心灵深处有些东西已如死灰 You're in ruins. 你 分崩离析 One, 21 guns 嘿,21声炮响 Lay down your arms 放下你的武器 Give up the fight 放弃这场战斗 One, 21 guns 嘿,21声炮响 Throw up your arms into the sky, 把武器都抛向天空吧 You and I 我和你

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