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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-09-10 11:01:21浏览:14分类:动物百科


tigel:Wow,how delicious it is! 哇,多么美味啊!

cattle :You mean this dish? 你在说这道菜吗?

tigel: Yeah,It's really delicious.What's this? 是啊,他简直是太美味了,这是什么?

cattle: They are dumplings. Chinese people often eat them on New Year Eve.这是饺子,中国人常常在除夕吃饺子。

tigel:They are nice food,I think.它们是美味的食物,我认为。

cattle :Eh~I like dumplings the best.And which food do you like best?嗯~我最喜欢饺子。你最喜欢什么食物?

tigel: I like beef,Italian noodls the best.But now I like dumplings!我最喜欢牛排和意大利面,但现在喜欢水饺了!



 A:That's OK, Ben, just let it go. I thought you were just a little too much into it.


 B:I wasn't kidding before, OK, I'm fine now.


 A:Honey, have you ever heard that there are a lot of stray cats now.




 A:Now they are collected by some volunteers, and people can adopt them or make a donation for the shelters.


 B:What are you saying? You are acting weird today.


 A:I want to adopt a cat, and it can be Barbie's boyfriend too.


 B:Haha, very funny, but it doesn't make any sense to me.


 A:That's all right. At least I got myself left.


 B:Seriously, if we will adopt any animals, we'd gotta to talk to Daniel.


 A:I hope that he would grant me with that.


 B:Hope so.



 A:I’m thinking about getting a pet, but I’m really not sure which animal would be suitable. Could you give me some advice?

 B:Certainly! The first thing is to be honest about how much time for you can devote to your pet. Dogs are very demanding. You need to take them for walks and they love to play. Cats, on the other hand, are more independent.

 A:I’m fairly busy, so I really need an animal that I don’t need to care of very much. Actually, I’d like a pet that’s a little unusual. I don't’really want a typical pet, like a cat, dog, or hamster. Do you have any suggestions?

 B:Unusual pet are often more expensive to keep. Is that a problem?

 A:Not really. By the way, I don’t want a pet that could be dangerous, like a tarantula or rattlesnake.

 B:We have those, but I only sell them to people I know well, for obvious reasons. How about a lizard? I have some that are very brightly coloured, are not aggressive, and are easy to feed and look after.

 A:That sounds ideal. Could you show me some?

 B:Sure. e over here. As you can see, I have a wide selection of species. They can live together, if you want lizards of different kinds. Do you have a favourite colour?

 A:I like the red one. What do they eat?

 B:You can feed them on various things. They will eat *** all pieces of meat, but I’d remend insects. You can get them from your garden, but remember that lizards eat a lot insects. I sell them here.

 A:Thanks a lot. What I’ll do si find out more online and drop by next week.

 B:That’s fine. You shouldn’t make a hasty decision when choosing a pet.


 A:Your dog is so much fun. He’s so playful. I wish our cat enjoyed being around people as much as your dog does.

 B:Cats are well know for being more independent than dogs. How old is your cat now? you’ve had her longer than we’ve had our dog.

 A:She’s eight years old. She’s getting quite old. Your dog’s six, isn’t he?

 B:Yes. He’s so energetic. We take him out to the park every morning and evening. I think he’d be happy to stay there all day!

 A:I’m sure he would. We usually have to drag him home.

 B:Your cat spends most of the day outdoors', right? Do you kwno where she goes?

 A:She spends less time outdoors and she used to . we have no idea where she goes. She’s very secretive. Occasionally, she brings back a dead mouse.

 B:Have you ever thought about having another pet?

 A:The kids want a rabbit. I don’t think it would be a good idea to get a mouse or a fish! That might be too tempting for our cat!


鹏仔 微信 15129739599

百科狗 baikegou.com

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