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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-07-10 02:39:40浏览:12分类:旅游攻略



My hometown is a small town in the south of China which is sorrounded by clean water and green mountains .You can see trees and flowers everywhere.The air there is very fresh .It s warm in winter and cool in summer ,which is very suitable for living .It is a modern and busy town.

It has a long history.But it has not always been like that.In the old days,it was a sad dirty little town.Landlords and merchants lived in the few good houses.For the working people there were only dark,unhealthy rooms in old buildings and huts in narrow muddy streets.Nearly everyone was poor and many had no work.

Everything has changed since liberation.The people,led by the Party,have got rid of the mud and dirt.They have put up schools,theaters,shops and flats.They have an assembly hall and a hospital.Along the river they have built offices,hotels and parks.A lot of factories have sprung up.On the river,streamers and boats come and go busily,day and night.They carry the products of our industries to all parts of the country.

I love my hometown very much !It is a nice place to live in.Do you like my hometown?If you come,I will show you around this beautiful city!






My hometown is a beautiful and rich seaside city -- Dalian.

The seasons are as beautiful as poems and paintings! Spring, everywhere birds and flowers, give people a vibrant scene! Dalian's spring sunshine is always very gentle, on the face will feel everything warm. The delicate breeze is like a spring girl gently blowing through the treetops, before long, all kinds of flowers will be in bud! You see! Spring flowers open the small yellow petals like a small trumpet to people in the spring! Sakura is also unwilling to lag behind, open that small body, one after another pink flowers in front of our eyes, its petals crystal clear, people love! Spring winds sweep the petals from beneath the cherry trees, and they dance with the wind. Summer, the sun can lose the gentleness of spring, like a fireball burning hot on the earth, as if to give off all the heat. At this time, people will involuntarily all cluster in the seaside, cool a moment!

The summer water is warm, giving a warm feeling! Walking on the beach and blowing the sea wind, you will be shocked, because then you will really feel the blue water! This blue color makes you feel that the color of the emerald is too light, and the color of the sapphire is too deep to be expressed in any language or thing. The blue sky reflects the blue water. The blue water drags the blue sky.

Autumn is a blooming season for chrysanthemums. At this time, people in dalian will go to see the chrysanthemum exhibition together. You see! The chrysanthemums stand proudly in the cold autumn bloom! White as snow, red as fire, yellow as gold, pink as yarn, like a round of small sun, warm our hearts, so that we do not feel a chill. It's a beautiful scene in autumn! In autumn, people in dalian can be busy and happy, because this is the harvest season, apple, seafood, a big harvest! There was a happy smile on people's faces!

Dalian is warm in winter! But it's a pity that snow girls don't visit very often. This is my beautiful, lovely hometown, let me intoxicated place - dalian!

我的家乡是美丽、富饶的海滨城市 —— 大连。




冬天大连是温暖的!不过遗憾的是雪姑娘可不经常来访,唉!这就是我美丽、可爱的家乡,让我陶醉的地方 —— 大连!

鹏仔 微信 15129739599

百科狗 baikegou.com

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