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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-07-10 03:18:36浏览:9分类:旅游攻略


Guilin is in the north of Guangxi. The population in the city of Guilin is more than six hundred thousand. There are famous and beautiful sceneries in Guilin. If you come to Guilin, you will know how clear the water is and how green the hills are. Every year many tourists come to Guilin for a visit. You can take a boat to see the scenes of the Li River. You can also visit the scenic spots in the city on free buses. You will enjoy yourself if you go to Guilin. 桂林在广西的北部,市区人口是60多万.桂林有著名而美丽的风景. 如果你来到桂林,你将知道那里的水是多么的清,那里的山是多么的绿.每年许多游客来这里参观.你可以乘游船看漓江风光,也可乘免费公车参观市区各景点. 如果你来桂林,你一定会玩得愉快. Guilin lies in the north of Guangxi. There are more than 600, 000 people in the city. Guilin is famous for its beautiful sceneries in the world. ff you come to Guilin, you will know how clear the water is and how green the hills are. Many tourists come and visit Guilin every year. There you can take a boat to see the scenes of the Li River and visit the scenic spots in the city on free buses. Welcome to Guilin for a visit. 桂林位于广西北部,市区有60多万人.桂林以风景荚丽而闻名于世. 如果你来桂林,你将会知道那的水是多么的清,山是多么的绿.每天许多游客来此参观.在那你可以乘船游漓江,也可以坐免费公共汽车游览市区各景点. 欢迎来桂林参观.

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