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作者:百变鹏仔日期:2023-11-14 11:04:50浏览:9分类:歌词大全

Stewart Mac-I Love You

There was once a broken man

Who walked a lonely road

And Gave up all his dreams

I was once this broken man

Stared into the sun

and Just refuse to see


I was

lost amongst the clouds that would'nt fade

I was looking for an answer

I was searching but I didn’t take the time

I was down


out and

feeling so afraid

I love you

the Way that you turn me round

And chase away my blues

I love you

the way that you change my world

when I’m with you

Love may come and love may go

but now its here to stay

Forever and a day

And when I See you smile

I fall into your eyes

to Never fade way

I need you hear to make the dark clouds dift away

And to make the mornings bright again

I’m right here for you theres nothing more to say

I’m just happy that your mine and here to stay

I love you

the Way that you turn me round

And chase away my blues

I love you

the way that ypu change my world

when I’m with you

It doesn’t matter where we're from and where we are going

as long as your with me all the way

And the nights are long and lonely and

I’m waking up

to find a brighter day

I love you

the Way that you turn me round

And chase away my blues

I love you

the way that you change my world

when I’m with you




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